What improvements made to WC3 in KS?


What improvements were made to Wing Commander 3 in The Kilrathi Saga over the original DOS version? Is the in-flight music improved high res quality like the music during the ending credits? Where can I find out?

Well, the KS version is native for Win 95, so that in itself is a big improvement. Also, I the adds liked to point out better joystick and rudder control.
Xerxes said:
WC3 KS version does have orchestrated music as does WC1 and 2.

"Orchestrated" may be a touch misleading. The score is played on a higher quality and more recent sound canvas - as to if thats an improvement or not is up to the listener.
i just picked up KS but i can't play it until wednesday but i am looking forward to it... i can finally play wc1 on pc... i just have the snes verison
Then PC will blow your mind (at least, it did mine). I enjoyed it much more on PC than on SNES (which was where I first played WC of any era)
LeHah said:
"Orchestrated" may be a touch misleading. The score is played on a higher quality and more recent sound canvas - as to if thats an improvement or not is up to the listener.

It isn't improved when the victory music in WC1 loops over and over, until you either die, eject, or land back on the Claw. Oh, how I hate that bug.
Red Baron said:
Only windows compability, which can also be applied via patch.

Not only is there no WC3 Windows patch, it's not the only upgrade (better sound/better joystick support). My favorite new feature is the cockpit invisibility dropaway HUD added to WC1/2.
Yeah, me too. I feel guilty, but I can only play the originals with the cockpit turned off... It feels like cheating, but it's a lot better.
Removing the cockpits, as I recall, made it much easier to lead targets and acquire missile locks, because the active HUD area only opperated in the center window, but when the cockpit was off you could get locks and ITTS (not in WC1) all across the screen. I haven't played them in a while, though, so can someone verify this?
it's much nicer with them turned off... i know it's not as "real" but whatever, it is a space video game
You're a bad pilot if you have to fly with the cockpit turned off. Although if you have to bring a heavily damaged fighter with no afterburner fuel home it can be quite handy!
Fruitcake said:
You're a bad pilot if you have to fly with the cockpit turned off.

Them's bold words, kid. Just wait till Saga with Multiplayer hits. [Evil grin]I'll beat the ever-loving shit out of you in a Ferret, and we'll see how much you brag then, son.[/Evil grin]
Fruitcake said:
You're a bad pilot if you have to fly with the cockpit turned off. Although if you have to bring a heavily damaged fighter with no afterburner fuel home it can be quite handy!

Cockpits were great up to WC3, it was fun getting hammered and having your cockpit blow up. WC4 didn´t exactly have a cockpit and WCP struts suck.
Fruitcake said:
*A great Kilrathi claw comes out of your screen and executes you... "Thrakhath-style"*

Where I come from... 1994... inane chest beating at message boards is solved with Armada battles.
Now there is a good plan loaf old chap. If anyone can advise me as to how to get Armada working on XP then we could all have a great big Armada cuddle and everything would be fun. If anyone fancies working with me on that let me know. I am up for it.

Long Live 1994