WCPedia IRC Conference - September 8


Frog Blast the Vent Core!
It's time we held another conference on the project. WCPedia just cracked 3,000 articles the other day. That's fantastic news! The team has been hard at work porting sections of the CIC over to the project and updating existing sections.

I'd like to get all the WCPedia contributors to come by #wingnut on Saturday, September 8 at 7 pm EST. We need to go over some organizational questions (how should capship names be displayed, base names, etc), some content questions and general upkeep stuff. This meeting is very important and I strongly encourage all wingnuts who can to come, whether you work on the project or not.

We want to make sure we've got everything moving forward in the next few months. It's going to be an exciting time! ;)
Guys, it's looking like I won't be able to make the meeting tonight. What would be involved in getting a copy of the transcript?