WCP scenes


I cant check up on this since the guy who has my WCP has been out of contact, but;
1) if you dont kill the shipkiller does it fire its big ball o' nastiness at the Midway?
2) if you dont take out the final tower what happens? Infinite fighters or ending sequence, and if ending sequence the same as if you just die or different?
There have been a couple of times when I've blown the mission where Decker and company raid the ship killer in dry dock. In that mission, the landing craft docks, Decker's people launch their raid, and then the ship killer starts to move out of the dock. At that point, you get the message to destroy the engines. So far, so good. No problems. The problem comes from the fact that I've never received any further instructions, so there have been a couple of times when I've left it at that (apparently you're supposed to intuitively know that it is now okay to destroy the bridge, as well). Shortly thereafter, the mission fails and the game ends. Apparently, the Midway moved into range of the shipkiller and was destroyed.
IIRC, no special graphics, just a message informing you your carrier was destroyed.
Originally posted by Chernikov
2) if you dont take out the final tower what happens? Infinite fighters or ending sequence, and if ending sequence the same as if you just die or different?

Ending Sequence. The Midway goes to fire their Plasma weapon at the worm hole and during the firing intiation there is a fatal overload that blows the Midway apart. After that, the dreadnaught and endless waves of fighters come streaking through the worm hole. End of story

Ahh, Continue, Restart, Quit.
So much friendlier than:

You have Died. Would you like to

Continue Script, Restart Mission

Eh eh yeah... I loved those sarcastic messages they put when you died in WC4: :)

"Make a choice, Heart of the Tiger:"

Does anyone have a full list of those? :cool:
Originally posted by mpanty
Eh eh yeah... I loved those sarcastic messages they put when you died in WC4: :)

"Make a choice, Heart of the Tiger:"

Does anyone have a full list of those? :cool:

If you let eisens shuttle blow up when he defects, i think it says something like 'that wasnt supposed to happen" or "you might want to try again". I just remember that it was something that you dont see unless he dies in that mission.
I'd try and get them for you but at home my only copy of WC4 is on DVD and I dont have the DVDROM in that particular computer... :(