WCI returning soon

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WCI will be back shortly, for those of you who don't remember, WCI was a "Choose your own adventure" type story. You chose different endings to stories, and if a particular ending wasn't written yet, you write it. The previous one was wiped out completely with no return. However, I'll have it back again, new and improved. Expcet it back up by next Friday at http://www.thevulcan.com
I hated that thing. It started out okay, but then idiots came along and started writing all their sexually perverted fantasies.
Yeah, that sucked about it, but one of the reasons I started it over is that I can now moderate it more easily and delete stories that violate the rules. One thing I hated the most was when people responded to their own posts. The whole point is to make a story other people can add on to, not to write an online novel.
Anyone member that "Bed Time Story" thread from a while back?


No, just kidding. It was actually rather funny in some parts.
Yay! I think I wrote 80% of the last one :D

But doesn't this mean the one where you become a pirate and play Homeworld is gone?

Ehh, I think Bob is trying very hard to be the next Chip. Perhaps not in terms of stupid ideas, but just being stupid. :)
It brings up a good question. I know I want to keep certain elements out to maintain the agelevel somewhere around pg-13, but shjould I keep certain elements out to keep the maturity level above G?

I don't know because I'd probably have to prosecute myself if I did so
PG-13 seems reasonable to me, considering what was in the actual series of games... *envisions Angel getting gutted by "Thrakky the overly disgruntled housecat"* But... 1950's PG13 or 2000's PG13? There's a huge range that rating could stand for...
I'd say anything that went in the series oughta be ok... *Remember Stingray's ejection message? "S**T! EJECTING!"... and that was WC2!
Originally posted by Wedge009
Ehh, I think Bob is trying very hard to be the next Chip. Perhaps not in terms of stupid ideas, but just being stupid. :)

Why is everyone picking on Chip? Sure, he has some crazy ideas...but at least he isn't LeHah.
basically I mean the same as stuff in movies nowadays. You can curse, but you can't say f*ck. You can have sexual inuendos, but you can't describe anything in to much detail. You can describe someone being stabbed or shot, but you can't descibe someone who's being jammed through a very large paper shredder. Ok, that last one doesn't make much sense, but you know what I mean, nothing too graphic.

As for stupidity, A\I'm still wondering whether I should allow crossovers or not
Travelled far? Pfft, look at the top, there's a "Search" button there. ;) Too, it's hardly 'pearls' of knowledge...
But... 1950's PG13 or 2000's PG13?

There was no PG-13 in the 1950s... or '60s... or '70s... or many of the '80s. PG-13 came about in the mid-eighties, mostly due to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, IIRC.

Just thought you'd like to know.

[Edited by Dralthi5 on 08-06-2001 at 22:59]
Originally posted by Wedge009

Remember these? :)
No doubt, this is only a small sample...
Eh eh Wedge... nice souvenirs there... I had a good laugh! :D

But Chip can't be real... :)
Never underestimate the ability of people to be very stupid.

He might be fake, but he's not an admin -- and he's not another poster using a fake ID.
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