WC4 Remake

When it comes to feeling of speed, I also suspect it is the fake stardust but unfortunately, one can probably only do so much there. The original games were slow... but since everything was low-res and also running very choppy back then, things felt different.

Actually if it does turn out to be the stardust there's a lot we can do there; shrinking it and making a smaller volume makes it feel faster.
When the streaking engages that increases the sense of speed, but we only turn that on close to max speed, we could bring it in at lower speeds.
And there is nothing stopping us from cheating and moving the dust at double speed (right now there's no multiplier but it's an option). Like so much in the demo it's in the first passable state and hasn't been tweaked yet.
Hi @Pedro,

First of all I like to inform you that your job is much more intereresed that I was expected.

I like to leave my feedback:

The game seem work fine without bugs and seem very easy to configure.

However I have a request:

Becouse I have 3 directinput controllers (Joystick , throttle, pedals) the game not known what device must be used for force feedback.

I ask if is possible in future add the possobility to choose the Force Feedback device.

Apart this I ask you for the actual plans if the game will be complete in the 2023.

Thanks !
I ask if is possible in future add the possobility to choose the Force Feedback device.

The only rumble device supported is the X-Box controller (VR motion controllers will also have support in the future).
As far as I'm aware Force Feedback joysticks just don't exist anymore, and my Sidewinder FF2 broke many many years ago - I don't have the hardware to add support and don't know how many people would even benefit from it.
The engine is open source; if someone wants to add Force Feedback support they are most welcome to. Or if someone wants to donate me a FF joystick I will add it (although I don't even know of any such joysticks).

Apart this I ask you for the actual plans if the game will be complete in the 2023.

The completion date hinges heavily on how much help we get. I pushed heavily to get the demo out this year so as to clear my free time for the next year as we have a new member joining the family.
I'll still be supporting Defiance incorporating new models, and working on any feedback from the demo; and fixing the GPU bug that's popped up for some AMD users, but personally my output is going to be much lower for the next 12 months.
I will absolutely be supporting everyone else, but all I expect we will release in 2023 is an improved demo.
I am getting a little screen of jumbled image; attaching screenshot. It persists in Options menu, but not on the Lexington flight control screen or the demo movie.
Fraps isn't working for me so this screenshot's color is messed up- the game looks perfect when running except for that box in the top-right.

- Tried launching with -nothread
- Tried turning off ambient occlusion, Bloom and Anti-Aliasing.

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)

Name AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_731F&SUBSYS_23161458&REV_C1\6&EAF386A&0&00000019
Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x731F), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible
Adapter Description AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes
Resolution 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz


  • WC4DemoError.jpg
    469.9 KB · Views: 87
I am getting a little screen of jumbled image; attaching screenshot. It persists in Options menu, but not on the Lexington flight control screen or the demo movie.
Fraps isn't working for me so this screenshot's color is messed up- the game looks perfect when running except for that box in the top-right.

- Tried launching with -nothread
- Tried turning off ambient occlusion, Bloom and Anti-Aliasing.

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)

Name AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_731F&SUBSYS_23161458&REV_C1\6&EAF386A&0&00000019
Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x731F), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible
Adapter Description AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes
Resolution 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz
Correction: TOP LEFT.
I am getting a little screen of jumbled image; attaching screenshot. It persists in Options menu, but not on the Lexington flight control screen or the demo movie.
Fraps isn't working for me so this screenshot's color is messed up- the game looks perfect when running except for that box in the top-right.

- Tried launching with -nothread
- Tried turning off ambient occlusion, Bloom and Anti-Aliasing.

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)

Name AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_731F&SUBSYS_23161458&REV_C1\6&EAF386A&0&00000019
Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x731F), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible
Adapter Description AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes
Resolution 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz

Yeah we've seen that, it's the AMD bug I mentioned in the post just above yours.
Some people have seen it fixed by a) Updating their drivers or b) Turning off film grain
Unfortunately whilst I have access to a range of GPUs no one uses AMD GPUs because they tend to have driver issues, so if you're not developing for PC (where you *want* to find the issues) people stick to nVidia. I know one developer with AMD who helped me debug some other AMD specific problems, but he's not experiencing this particular issue.

That's not to say the issue isn't on my end, but without access to hardware that has this issue it's likely to take some time to get to the bottom of.
Last edited:
Is there any possibility of you integrating this fellow's api when you dive into the vr portion of the game?
Being able to physically grab the controls would be amazing.
While I am not certain my view is "jumbled", I did report minor visual issues to and I am happy to test whatever you upload to some server.
Giving my feedback in response to the questions mentioned in the official announcement (I'm a bit late to the party as I only returned from holidays last weekend):
  1. I first tried installing on my secondary, Windows 7 based, machine. Launching produced a complaint about xaudio2_9.dll not being found. Some research on XAudio 2.9 led me to believe that there is a redistributable package available for Windows 7, but ultimately I just landed at a page referring to NuGet for developers. So maybe it's something that the team will need to add for the game package, unless you are only going to bother supporting Windows 10 and later?
  2. I then tried installing on a Windows 10 based laptop. Discrete GPU has died, but it ran reasonably smoothly on the integrated graphics: Ryzen 7 4800H mobile APU. (As discussed previously, I probably have way higher tolerance for low frame rates and frame drops than the rest of you do.) I didn't play too long as I didn't find my keyboard layout suitable for playing traditional keyboard-based WC.
  3. I'm encouraged by the engine being Vulkan-based. Also the Steam Deck installation instructions suggests it can run on Linux via Proton. I may try installing on my primary Linux-based PC later on, but wanted to minimise potential points of failure given the declared pre-alpha state of software.
BTW, recreating the demo details down to the introduction video and voice-over was cute.
Thanks Wedge! I hadn't considered pre windows 10 to be honest but I've added the xaudio package so hopefully it will work with future releases out of the box.
Thanks for the quick response. I'll give it a try with the next release, whenever that might be.

And yeah, there's no reason why you should need to consider unsupported Windows versions, but I am among the few who prefer to avoid Windows 8/10 and later - right or wrong, that's just my choice.

I tried the demo a little bit and I really like how it's turning out. I'd like to leave some of my own feedback on this:

- I have 3 DirectInput controllers with 128 buttons each (WinWing HOTAS system and MFG Crosswind pedals), but the game only picks up the first controller detected and can only map the first eight buttons.
- I think it would be nice to have an FOV slider, preferably adjustable via in-game axis like in F4BMS or DCS; though even just an option setting is fine.
- Can you make the main HUD area (gun cross and the elements around it) a collimated display? I may have mentioned this on Twitter a long while back but I think it would work better especially if TrackIR and/or VR support becomes a thing.

I might have some more but these are the first things that come to mind off the top of my head.
Hi, Thanks for the feedback! This kind of thing is really useful.
- I have 3 DirectInput controllers with 128 buttons each (WinWing HOTAS system and MFG Crosswind pedals), but the game only picks up the first controller detected and can only map the first eight buttons.

That's odd; it should recognise up to 4 sticks. I just tested with the sticks I have on hand:
T1600M x 2 and Thrustmaster throttle / pedals
It took inputs from all of them. It also should support 16 buttons (which is the number on the T1600). I never considered 128 buttons would be needed but will absolutely add them for the next release now I know that is a thing.
First sanity check: there is a bug if you try and change input methods whilst binding a control it will stop picking up any input. No chance that is what happened?
The only time it should ignore a joystick is if you're set to Gamepad in the input menu instead of Joystick, or if it thinks your controller is a gamepad for some reason. Also your controllers *must* all be attached when you launch the game.

Could you take a screenshot of your USB game controllers?
Are all 3 input devices shown as seperate inputs or as one combined? If the latter the limit on buttons could be the issue.

Also could you run dxdiag.exe and tell me the vendor ID and product ID of your sticks?
Finally can you tell me what buttons are mapped to id 9-16 that aren't showing up? If your stick is doing something like reporting a hatswitch as buttons it could mean you're losing mappings.

It'll be a while before we put out a patch but I promise to get to the bottom of this before the next release.

- I think it would be nice to have an FOV slider, preferably adjustable via in-game axis like in F4BMS or DCS; though even just an option setting is fine.

Interesting suggestion, it wouldn't be hard to add. I'll add it to the baclog

- Can you make the main HUD area (gun cross and the elements around it) a collimated display? I may have mentioned this on Twitter a long while back but I think it would work better especially if TrackIR and/or VR support becomes a thing.

Yeah we definitely aren't done with the HUD, which elements we treat as being part of the helmet and which are part of the screen is still something we are debating, but yes we definitely would like to build the HUD into the curvature so we can recreate the refraction effect from the original game when your cockpit gets cracked.
Hi again,

First sanity check is the first time I've heard of that bug. I can replicate it but it doesn't seem to be related to the issue.

When I played the demo I was lucky enough to have the stick itself picked up as the first detected controller. I might have gotten the first eight buttons thing slightly wrong (the weapon release button on the stick is button 20 but it was bound just fine) but not all buttons bind correctly or at all, which is the issue regarding the buttons. The buttons I noticed did not bind correctly are the hats. Some of the hat switches do bind, bind as "None-" (or some other weird name) or do not bind at all. Some other non-hat buttons, i.e. the pinky switch, also exhibit the same or similar behaviour. I haven't been able to bind any throttle or rudder pedal inputs.

My controllers are all separate devices. If you're asking about a screenshot of my devices in joy.cpl:

Devices show up in dxdiag as follows:

Device NameVendor IDProduct ID
MFG Crosswind V20x16D00x0A38