WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

Yeah, that's quite a shock - it's always amazing when it turns out what you're seeing on the news is affecting the people you interact with every day. Thank you for posting here, we're glad to know that you're allright - and everyone who isn't has our sincere sympathies.

Anyway, get some rest if you can, I'm sure it's a huge shock to your system just being around something like that.
I really hope you're okay, man! That would be quite the shocking event, I can't imagine how I would react to something like that.

I went ahead and took a screenshot of one of the scaffoldings in the Warlords mod. (Beat ya to it, Ton;) )

The scaffolding is completely enclosed. When the construction completes, the doors in the front slide open, allowing the ship out of the structure.

I hope this helps you with some ideas.


  • WarlordScaffold.JPG
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Glad to hear you're ok. I went away for a days time because I had to rebuild my comp, so this is the first I heard of it. I guess this also established where in the world you are, I'd been wondering about that, timezones and all. I'll get back to the screenies I promised later today...

*edit* I see I got beat to the punch. I'll add to that with some more angles later.
Well, looks like I'll have to pospone that again. I have to spend the evening reinstalling windows completely. When you get 5+ BSoDs a day for several days, you just know it's time. I've been running 64-bit so far, and it might be some beta drivers causing it, so I'll take the opportunity to go back to 32-bit at the same time.
I'm back (but not at home). Last night's reinstallation attempt almost cost me 600Gb of data, including all my games and mods, so It'll take me a few more days before I'm back up. Have to reinstall once more, SATA RAID is giving me a headache.

*realises he's off topic*

Anyways, nice mod this one isn't it. :D
Nice mod indeed! I love the progress its making. I can see this one actually getting released in full, unlike the other Homeworld 2 mod's that were in development.

czacen, hope you are doing okay!
sorry for the leave of absence. just took couple of days to unwind. however have got a small update after quite a while. confed HQ is ready, leaving only confed Shipyard to be completed before a confed beta release. at this juncture i would like to inform people that 2 beta testers have been recruited by me, who have been going over some of the ships and gameplay for about 2 weeks now. first tester, and master/specialist resource man is BrynS. he's been an amazing help and resource as well as helped with several good inputs on ships and authenticity. the second tester, Ton_Viper has more HW2 modding skills and has been following the anouncement of this mod here as well as on the relic forums and is right now scritping the AI for the game. He has raised a number of good issues and thus helped improve the mod so far. in fact i think either one of them would be better at posting a video file here Chris, since they both have fast net connections. they just need to download and use fraps and record a few mins of gameplay in AVI and it post here.

i will be taking one or two more people on board to help with graphics and some more testing as the time draws near. so for a rough feed back on the current state of the mod from someone other than me, dont hesitate to ask these guys how things are going from time to time.

p.s. confed HQ pics will be up later today. and ill send it to the testers by afternoon.

the docking bay textures have been changed to look more like the game video. these pics are from before i fixed it, hence the rather dead look. will post a few more recent pics as well as ships exiting the different arms after being built.
sorry everybody but im going to stray off topic for a bit. i am linking to a few pictures below i think people might find interesting. when i was in university, i was a big fan of an artist by the name Feng Zhu. he works as a pre-production artist on films and games (such as matrix *movie*, guildwars, etc.) and i used to collect all of his art work. it just so happened that in 2002 i downloaded the following pictures from his site. they were pre-prod sketches for wing commander ships. now i havent seen these pics on CIC, but if they are here already then im sorry to repeat old news. its just that i came across them last week (while cleaning out my hard-drive) and i said i must ask people what they knew about it. were these images for the movie? or for another installment of the game? since they deviate quite widely from the game designs i am guessing they were for the movie. but i dont think movie desings were quite like this either. anybody seen these before or know what they were for? they look wicked. esp the carrier and the last cruiser with missles on top like a submarine!

czacen said:
sorry everybody but im going to stray off topic for a bit. i am linking to a few pictures below i think people might find interesting. when i was in university, i was a big fan of an artist by the name Feng Zhu. he works as a pre-production artist on films and games (such as matrix *movie*, guildwars, etc.) and i used to collect all of his art work. it just so happened that in 2002 i downloaded the following pictures from his site. they were pre-prod sketches for wing commander ships. now i havent seen these pics on CIC, but if they are here already then im sorry to repeat old news. its just that i came across them last week (while cleaning out my hard-drive) and i said i must ask people what they knew about it. were these images for the movie? or for another installment of the game? since they deviate quite widely from the game designs i am guessing they were for the movie. but i dont think movie desings were quite like this either. anybody seen these before or know what they were for? they look wicked. esp the carrier and the last cruiser with missles on top like a submarine!

Yeah, those are concept art for Wing Commander Online [cancelled early in production - Pre Privateer Online I believe]. They can be found at the CIC here: https://www.wcnews.com/articles/art44.shtml
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thanks AD. the other designs look awesome. guess i know what my next mod project will be after this one! :D

guess i finally know what the inspiration for this image was.

also in the interest of identifying more of these images would you say that this too is an image from that concept art?

it bares some strong similarities to the ships on the page titled 'wco04' that you linked me to AD. it doesnt have the writing at the top though so i guess we cant be sure. as for this second pic, it could also be from the wco project or maybe from another. i can see just a few similarities.

czacen said:
also in the interest of identifying more of these images would you say that this too is an image from that concept art?...

it bares some strong similarities to the ships on the page titled 'wco04' that you linked me to AD. it doesnt have the writing at the top though so i guess we cant be sure. as for this second pic, it could also be from the wco project or maybe from another. i can see just a few similarities.

The date on the WC online stuff is 98 while the pictures you linked have an august 2000 date on them, so it's possible they carried over some of the design elements to privateer online and that is what these might be from. EA/ Origin's second attempt at privateer online was in 2000: https://www.wcnews.com/news/update/7049
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I would just like to echo everyone's sentiments and words of support for czacen and the victims of the train bombings in Mumbai last Tuesday. I was also glad to hear that czacen has had some time to unwind and recover.

Regarding the mod, I've just uploaded another pack of reference images relating to shields as seen in the various cinematics from WC3, WC4 DVD, WCP and WCM. About 200 images or so in a zip archive (7.22MB), available here. I've restructured some of my data directories for the mod on my FileFront hosting account, so if the WC4 DVD Image Pack (16.21MB Zip) that I linked to earlier in the thread is broken, please use this link.

Lt.Death100 said:
That HQ looks awesome man can't wait to see it blow up!
That could be arranged. ;)

Hopefully, we'll have some gameplay videos up in the next day or so. :D

