WC4 in Win2000 Mouse problems


Hi. I hope someone here can help me. I recently got myself "Wing Commander IV" and spent all day trying various options to get it working in Windows 2000 (that's the only OS I have available on my copmuter)

Thanks to the VDMSound module I have the sound, video, and gameplay running smoothly.

There is only one glitch: when I try to play the game in SVGA mode (higher resolution) my mouse only works on the top left quarter of my screen, with the cursor never moving into any of the other three corners.

That makes flying impossible unless I switch down to the very low-resolution VGA mode (which is hardly impressive to my friends, even though I still get a measure of enjoyment out of it.)

I tried hooking up a joystick, hoping that would work better, but because of the way the game has to be "fed" the joystick data by the VDMsound module, the game ends up running very slow.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I tried running the Win95 patch version as well, but just get a "MSCVRT.DLL is not compatible with Win32s"

Can anybody help me get this running? Thanks!

- Capholland.
try a USB stick, standard gameport controllers r for the most part not supported by win 2K or XP.