WC4 In-flight video problems

I can run WC4, but just about every mission the graphics go haywire in away and the colors all change. I am runiing the game in win XP and have it in WIN95 compatibility. Can anyone help?
I had a similar experience with Wing 3. Would you happen to be running the game on a laptop, or on a desktop with an LCD monitor? In Wing 3, when the psychadelic colors would appear, I would hit "alt and enter" to switch to a window. The colors would return to normal, and then I would just alt/enter back into a full screen. Problem solved.
Video probs

Alright i'll try that. I am running the game on a desktop that has been modified from factory specs. I am using the standard CRT display as well.
You shouldn't just leave it at that. It helps to tell us *how* you solved your problem so if someone with a similar issue finds this thread later, they don't have to ask again.