WC3 Dreadnaught

I don't believe that Ragark, at least I think that's his name, has enough resources to pull something like restoring the entire front end of the Kilrathi Dreadnought. It's over 20 Kilometers long. So, if a quarter of it was destroyed, that's over 4 Kilometers of reconstruction that needs to be done.
What I want to know, is what exactly is this thing armed with? I've seen various sorces say it has lots of laser turrets and a few anti-matter turrets, does it have Capship missile tubes, and what are those box-like things on the inside of the front four booms?
Yes, the dreadnaught has a capship missile launcher, with missile storage located (as per FC) in the prongs.

As for the FC dreadnaught getting involved against the bugs, why? There's no percentage in sending such a powerful platform (assuming for the sake of argument it was repaired from Tolwyn's attack) that far away from home, when it could be better used for defending home territory, and let the rest of the world go fornicate itself (or maybe popping in afterwards to mop up the remainders, regardless of who won).
gwydion said:
.. then find yourself a nice place where you're not going to run into it, and chuck as much energy as you can onto your weapons.. load full salvos and fire your missiles and guns for about 20min or so.. then it'll die.

Better yet, lean something heavy against the spacebar and go get a snack while you kill it.

Drizzt Do Urden said:
I wonder if the Concordia hadn't been lost if they could have used the main Cannon on it to destroy it (phase transit cannon) if it had been working properly

I remember wondering that same thing long ago in some other thread. LOAF said that a PTC blast would indeed take out a dreadnaught. If that were the case, you would think Confed would have a number of Phase Transit weapon platforms ready to be deployed in case of an emergency similar to the battle of earth or a bug invasion. I understand that the things have a habit of blowing up at inconvenient moments, but so would anything going up against a Kilrathi dreadnaught. They wouldn't necessarily have to be attached to an entire Confederation class carrier or anything either, just basically bare-bones maneuverable cannons that could be manned by a skeleton crew of volunteers to offer a powerful last ditch defense.
McGruff said:
They wouldn't necessarily have to be attached to an entire Confederation class carrier or anything either, just basically bare-bones maneuverable cannons that could be manned by a skeleton crew of volunteers to offer a powerful last ditch defense.

The point of the 'keel' comment you always see in regards to the Confederation class dreadnought is that the PTC basically was the ship. The Concordia was a gigantic cannon with a flight deck on top. If you have the option to build a flotilla of phase transit cannons or a task force of fleet carriers, I think people would go with the carriers.

Drizzt Do Urden said:
You said that in False Colors the Dreadnaught was never destroyed so is it possible that the Kilrathi could have repaired it and used it against the Nephilum in WC5

"The Kilrathi" that were attacked by the Nephilim didn't own a Dreadnought (or any similar ships). The Assembly of Clans that operated in Kilrah System in Prophecy were a different faction from that seen in False Colors.
But what if they built just two or three Cannons like around earth like the Super MAC (Magnetic Acelleration Cannon) cannons in the book Halo Fall of Reach. They could have been an incredable help during the battle of terra.
Drizzt Do Urden said:
But what if they built just two or three Cannons like around earth like the Super MAC (Magnetic Acelleration Cannon) cannons in the book Halo Fall of Reach. They could have been an incredable help during the battle of terra.

Nope, just an extra hour or so as the swarms of fighters those megacannons can't target take the guns out (maybe not destroy them, but a gun without a crew or "projectile" [power plants to run the gun, in the case of the PTC] to fire is useless; think "mission kill", like Blair's disabling the Lexington in WC4 to get it off the Intrepid's back).

And, for the sake of whatever you hold dear, please don't confuse other universes with the WC universe. :p
Dishwasher said:
I forgot did they ever use concordia's PTC?


Drizzt Do Urden said:
But what if they built just two or three Cannons like around earth like the Super MAC (Magnetic Acelleration Cannon) cannons in the book Halo Fall of Reach. They could have been an incredable help during the battle of terra.

There's a million different scenarios where you can avoid or incapacitate a couple of fixed guns in orbit of a planet during an invasion. Like Death said, it's a pretty bad idea to start citing precedents from other science fiction universes. To take the Halo 2 example further, Earth had three hundred supergun platforms in orbit and they were overwhelmed when the invasion hit.
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Now isn't that a case of SERIOUS overkill? Probably easier and a whole lot safer to dispatch a spare Ferret or whatever's handy to get rid of a single crappy corvette. If I remember correctly, Angel or someone had issues about firing that shot and Tolwyn overrode her.

Dundradal said:
I'm sure it would do some damage, but the chances/risks of getting the Concordia that close to a dreadnaught are VERY slim.

Didn't Victory get close enough to ram one?
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Hmmmm *starts thinking*

Was that dreadnaught still operational (excluding the prongs)? Also is this (False Colors) another dreadnaught than the one that was destroyed at Kilraha? It could be useful as a mobile starbase or even a carrier rather than it's original role of a supership. Using it against the Nephilim could be quite dangerous, especially with the Krakens roaming loose.
McGruff said:
Didn't Victory get close enough to ram [a kat dreadnaught]?

Yes, but since it was a suicide run anyway, little details like absorbing too much damage to continue to fight and handle flight ops were kind of left by the wayside. Attacks that aren't intended to be quite so final need to take details like that into consideration.
McGruff said:
Now isn't that a case of SERIOUS overkill? Probably easier and a whole lot safer to dispatch a spare Ferret or whatever's handy to get rid of a single crappy corvette. If I remember correctly, Angel or someone had issues about firing that shot and Tolwyn overrode her.
In spite of what the dialogue says, that's no corvette - that's a Fralthra.
Quarto said:
In spite of what the dialogue says, that's no corvette - that's a Fralthra.

The Concordia still had eight non-overloadable AMG... It's been a long time since I saw the scene, so it's possible that there was a reason for not using them. Sure, that would be overkill, but at a much lower health risk.;)
Death said:
Yes, but since it was a suicide run anyway, little details like absorbing too much damage to continue to fight and handle flight ops were kind of left by the wayside. Attacks that aren't intended to be quite so final need to take details like that into consideration.

I've never heard of this before. Was it in the WC3 novel?