WC3 bugs

I remeber playing WC3 2 years ago. I was playing on of your usual escort missions and remeber that i shoted down everybody and the mission just wouldn't end: there was no enemies or so i just left it flying and went to lunch and came back and it was the same :mad: so i went for a short ride on my motorbike and it was still the same :mad::( so i killed myself and restarted the mission and it all went just fine and mission ended. Anybody had the same problems?
You probably forgot to do something that was holding up your progress. Do you know what mission it was?
Maybe it was that one where you had to escort Victory out of the nebula? Try shooting down the capship missiles before they hit the Victory.
Well we need a little more information than that to help you. Have you tried the CIC Game Guides? They should help you pinpoint the mission you are having trouble with.

The thing is, he's not having this problem anymore. It happened once a long time ago and when he reloaded the mission it never did it even though he didn't do anything different. He was simply asking if anyone else had run into that, not looking for a solution.

How many times can you look at his post and forget the parts where he mentions"2 years ago" and how he then "restarted the mission and it all went just fine?"
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The thing is, he's not having this problem anymore. It happened once a long time ago and when he reloaded the mission it never did it even though he didn't do anything different. He was simply asking if anyone else had run into that, not looking for a solution.

How many times can you look at his post and forget the parts where he mentions"2 years ago" and how he then "restarted the mission and it all went just fine?"

I was trying to find out which mission it was. I realize the problem is solved. I can't exactly say I've experienced a similar problem if I have no clue what mission he's talking about.
I've had a similar problem long time ago. it was actually in blackmane mission, on loosing path i think, the one were the transports are boobytrapped. now, for some strange reason they didn't blow up and so the autopilot didn't lit and so the mission never continued.
I had a similar problem with the mission you chase after Flint when she goes off on one. You need to go through about 3 nav points before you come to the nav with Flint and a Kilrathi Flalthi II. I found this mission quite hard, I was either so damaged by nav 4 that the cruiser took me out, or i was out of fuel and the cruiser took me out again. But another time I few the mission, all 3 nav points were empty then I continued to help Flint and won the mission.
That one isn't a bug - that mission is a rare experiment in variable nav points... there's several possible sets of ships that *can* appear at each nav point, but no apparent requirement that they must. It's possible to get to Flint without fighting anything... and it's possible to go through an entire Kilrathi fleet (including the ultra-rare 'scout' ship.)

I wonder if it's tied to anything in the game itself... Flint's morale or somesuch. If so, I've never figured it out.