WC1, signed, for sale! (shameless plug!)


There was a thread running on GameSpy regarding your gaming collection of goodness, and I thought, well, I might as well sell my copy of WC1 to another serious gamer who'd be happy adding it to their bookshelf. I know this is a shameless plug, but I've only posted this to the guys at GameSpy, and of course, the best WC forum around.

I don't often sell from my collection, but with thoughts of a wedding coming, the cash would be handy... ;-)

I'm selling my original copy of Wing Commander 1 on eBay, signed by Chris Roberts himself no less! Pretty good condition, has *everything* that came with the box. It was neat to pull out the ad for Bad Blood that was in there-- anyone remember the Apple cult?

Anyway, if you'd like to help out a fellow gamer, I'm selling it on eBay. Thanks for looking, and putting up with my shameless plug... :)

That's cool - good luck with the auction. Is this a copy you had signed, or is it one of the original 'special edition' releases?
It's actually one of the 'special edition' boxes. I had it squirreled away for years, thinking-- one day, this is going to be so cool for someone, like a lost Beetles album or extra large Cheeto. Well, hopefully more like the lost Beetles album. :)
Being signed by Chris Roberts is the only thing that differentiates the special and regular editions of WC1. Chris Roberts hand-signed the first 500 or so WC1s, back in 1990.