WC1(KS) Video Problems


Rear Admiral
Alright--I need some help. I start WC1, and its vertically compressed into the top one sixth of my screen. I've tried compatability modes, screen resolutions, and even Dx 8.0, 8.1, 9.0a, and 9.0b.

I'm on XP, and can't go back to Win9x because I'm on a Dual AMD Opteron machine.


Didn't work...

No compatability layers work, even with visual themes disabled. I've basically tried every combination of settings.

Thanks though,
I haven't figured it out yet, but I have the same kind of problem under Win2k, although WC worked fine at first.
Maybe this has something to do with a Windows update ?
WC1 + 2 Display Compression

Looks like it's been a couple of months since anyone touched this thread...has anyone come across a solution? I'm running a Radeon 9600 Pro and encountering these same problems w/ WC1 + WC2. Latest versions of DirectX (9.0b) and Catalyst (4.2)installed. Tried variations of compatibility modes & options, but no avail. Radeon driver issue?
Thanks data, works perfectly. I had just about given up, especially after I tried it on a friend's machine with the same video card+drivers and it worked fine. Any idea why the DVI does that?
Well, here's what I gleaned when I did my massive troubleshooting:

DX2.0 integrates resolution-specific rendering. Why? I don't know. I guess Microsoft figured programmers would like to write different code for different res/color depths.

Well DVI is completely resolution independent. So, if you parse the video card for the resolution, it returns "0x255" which... definately confuses WC. It's not that it can't use DVI, it's just that with the way it detects resolution, it's misreported.

So, what I tried to do was create some sort of mandatory memory interrupt to force 0x001 (320x240, I think) or 0x010 (640x480) to be returned.

So far, I'm unsuccessful.

But, hey, VGA-out's still around, so we're set for a while.

*requests promotion* :)

Glad I could be of help!
This might sound stupid... but how would I run in D-SUB instead of DVI? And, for that matter, what are these two modes? I'm having the same problem.

Not a problem:

On your video card, there are two (or maybe even three) outputs. One is called DVI. It's usually white and has pin slots in an orthoganal (up and down, gridlike) pattern. The other is called D-SUB (it is sometimes referred to as VGA). This one has hexagonally arranged pin holes, and it's usually blue or green (sorry, I'm B/G colorblind.).

You want to use VGA. VGA stands for Video Graphics Adapter, which is a much older standard (era of WC) than DVI, Digital Video Interface.
Yup, here I went out and bought an expensive LCD monitor w/DVI so I could utilize the DVI on my card, only to have to use the VGA cables to get in a little flight time. :D
Personally I'd NEVER get a LCD for PLAYING. For work they are great, but for play...