WC1 help


Im starting on WC1, and loving every minute of it. However, the lack of decoys is creating problems. How do you avoid missiles here?
Most of the time, you can just ignore them, actually. They're fairly harmless as long as you keep moving. But if you are really worried about them, then afterburn, turn towards the missile, and burn right past it. This way, it'll run out of fuel by the time it re-establishes lock.
Or go to chase view and turn sharply when it comes close to your tail. Handy for when you've got no more burner fuel, or want to conserve it.

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I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Thanks. And for all the scim fans out there that ive mildly dissed, I'k like to officially apologise. It's a good ship (there isnt a true crapship in WC1) but who you have to fly on the wing of is what brings it down.

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Yeah, but you also fly with Maniac in the Brimstone system in the scimitar. That's the worst, especially in a minefield. While we're talking about WC1, did anyone else catch Angel's comment about Raptors having a 34% chance against a Jalthi? What's that noise? Jalthis are rather easy as long as you keep moving; Grathas are harder. BTW, can anyone give me some offhand advice for the Ralari defense in Kurasawa? (I just started playing the WC1 from the PC Gamer, but never beat that mission the 1st time through). Thanks!

"He has warrior spirit. It will be the death of him." Prince Thrakhath - End Run

[This message has been edited by Tailburn (edited June 18, 2000).]
Tailburn said:
Grathas are harder. BTW, can anyone give me some offhand advice for the Ralari defense in Kurasawa? (I just started playing the WC1 from the PC Gamer, but never beat that mission the 1st time through). Thanks!

yeah Grathas are a bitch,last time (1st time
really) i played, you can still go
to the winning path if the Confed Ralari bites the dust..
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Ok, for the ralari defense, I'm working offa memory. Alright What you do is save your missles. Don't waste them on the salthi, it's pointless. When you reach the ralari, afterburner into a fairly close range. Then release Bossman (?). These gratha like to focus, so what you want to do is get RIGHT behind one and use a dumbfire (can't remember which fighter for the life of me). Combined with guns, this should make short work of them, individually. Also, taunt. Yuo want to be quick on each fighter, so practice up your aim on the simulator.
I don't think I'll offer any Ralari advice this time - experience has taught me that advice is useless for that mission. You've simply got to figure out a way that works for you.

Brimstone with Maniac is hell, but you've gotta screw up in McAuliffe first, which I've really only managed twice.

You have to remember that the Jalthi in the game are limited by the AI. If you had to fight against one manned by a real pilot, you may be dead before you even scratch its shields.
No kidding - theyre hard enough to slag as is. It's better in a minefield though. A rock or two ususally helps to take one out. As for the Ralari mission, I almost got it out. Then the last pilot suicided at full burner =( Just a little finesse, never miss, and they fall much faster.

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Chernikov said:
No kidding - theyre hard enough to slag as is. It's better in a minefield though. A rock or two ususally helps to take one out. As for the Ralari mission, I almost got it out. Then the last pilot suicided at full burner =( Just a little finesse, never miss, and they fall much faster.

Yup. Ralari Rescue had me stuck for a little while. Beating it sure feels good though. Especially after people told me not to bother, "your a rookie", etc.
heh heh... if you think that's bad. There's a mission in SM1 where you and Spirit (usually half trashed by this point) need to take down a half dozen Rapiers (flown by aggressive pilots). Im not sure whats up with this but I get 3 1/2 at the most before Im slagged. If I try to run, I get slagged. Is there something wrong here? No it's not my piloting skills because when it's still 4 on 1 (the other two are busy slow-roasting Spirit) I do fine, but when there literally isnt any place free of neutron blast to go, what's a guy supposed to do? Man, anyone who has a tip help. And NO, i am NOT interested in the invulnerability code...

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
As far as I'm concerned, that's a mission where you need to exercise your OTHER pilot skills - most notably, the ability to judge what's more important: your mission, your wingmate and your own life, or a bunch of Rapiers.
What I usually do is tell Spirit to go home, gun down the Gwenhyvar, and run like hell.
Uh, may I ask what CPUs are using?
I can't play WC1 in a Pentium, it's
even worse with Moslo - cuz you're the only one in turtle pace. The cats are zooming aroung like flies. =(

That you, ace? (Maniac)

Chernikov said:
heh heh... if you think that's bad. There's a mission in SM1 where you and Spirit (usually half trashed by this point) need to take down a half dozen Rapiers (flown by aggressive pilots). Im not sure whats up with this but I get 3 1/2 at the most before Im slagged. If I try to run, I get slagged. Is there something wrong here? No it's not my piloting skills because when it's still 4 on 1 (the other two are busy slow-roasting Spirit) I do fine, but when there literally isnt any place free of neutron blast to go, what's a guy supposed to do? Man, anyone who has a tip help. And NO, i am NOT interested in the invulnerability code...

[This message has been edited by JoeyRP (edited June 23, 2000).]
Well, I have a few suggestions for you:
a. buy PC Gamer`s latest release, it has a windows version of WC1
b. Buy or download (if you can find) Moslo 4BIZ, it works pretty good with the game.
c. get a 386.
d. buy K.S.

The suggestions are sorted from most possible to least possible. (and price)
I just use my good 'ol 400Mhz computer and disable the cache... works at a nice speed (unless you forget to turn it back on when you're done playing and it tries to load windows like that... it can take a good 15 minutes


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Quarto: Im too bullheaded. Call it an urge to take some equipment our of the enemy's hands. Oh well, at least the fact that you CANT take them all down reflects on the quality of gameplay...

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Mad Hatter: that can't be it. When I disabeled the cach on my old p166 Wc2 ran fine, but WC1 was still a tad too fast.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara