
I know that Origin has no plans as of yet for a WC VI but I was just wondering what some of your theories would be as to what direction the Bug War will be taking. I like to think that some of the more militant/vengeful factions of the remaining Kilrathi Empire will ally themselves with the Bugs while the rest ally themselves with the Confederation. Another interesting question is that do you think we'll ever go on the offensive against the Bugs? Right now, it's a purely defensive war on our parts. Just wondering. Let me know what you think. Later.
I don't think the Kilrathi would take the bugs side if you read the booklet you got with Prophecy you would know that they were enemies 4 millenia ago. A friend told me a good storyline that Blair is transformed into one of the bugs and he leads the attack
on the Confederation.
Vamp about the Blair transformation thing, that is totally stupid. It would be cool to see but stupid.

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p
i don't think the "star gods" were the bugs.

[This message has been edited by Kain (edited June 04, 2000).]
I read everything that comes with any Wing Commander game so I am aware of what you're talking about. On the other hand, the "star gods" never destroyed Kilrah and I'm willing to bet that some Cats are more than willing to let bygones be bygones with the Bugs...for now. I'm only saying that as long as they share a common foe, some of the remaining Kilrathi may be willing to help out the Bugs. After the Confederation is dead and buried, God forbid, the Kilrathi and Bugs will duke it out. And another thing, what do all of you think about Casey's "options" on the Midway? It seems that he's got three to choose from. There's Stiletto, the fiery red head; Rachel, the older woman; and Finley, the reserve. Which one would you choose? I'd have to go with Rachel 'cause there's less chance of her getting killed than Stiletto and she looks better than Finley.
Heheh... Indeed.
*shakes head*

Well, anyways, the chance of the Kilrath joining the bugs, is obsurd. Being mortal enemies that long ago still will hold grudges for the general population.
AS for the Confederation going on the offensive, you know just as well they can't. Confederation has been stomped into pieces numerous times already, and the forces are all over the place. The Confederation simply does not have enough ship to both protect the Confed borders, and attack the Nephilium at the same time.
It will take some time for the Confederation to rebuild its fleets, but, as you know, many of the shipyards are in ruins.

If Origin decides for either the Kilrath to ally with the Nephilium, or for the Confederation to go on the offense, they're out of their minds (if they have any minds left

Member of BlackLance HQ

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "

[This message has been edited by Metras (edited June 04, 2000).]
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Metras said:
Well, anyways, the chance of the Kilrath joining the bugs, is obsurd. Being mortal enemies that long ago still will hold grudges for the general population.
Well, the cats would never joing the Nephilim, but don't forget that we don't know if the Nephilim are in fact the star gods.

AS for the Confederation going on the offensive, you know just as well they can't.
Confederation has been stomped into pieces numerous times already, and the forces are all over the place. The Confederation simply does not have enough ship to both protect the Confed borders, and attack the Nephilium at the same time.
But the bugs are not in out space, they need to go through a wormhole, and it just happens that Confed holds the one in Proxima. True, Confed is still suffering from the TK war, but they have more than enough ships to secure their borders and launch a limited offense.
It will take some time for the Confederation to rebuild its fleets, but, as you know, many of the shipyards are in ruins.
Correction, shipyards near Earth were ruinded in 2668, but SO is set 15 years later. And as we saw in WC4, there are shipyards in Confed HQ, and in Speradon.

If Origin decides for either the Kilrath to ally with the Nephilium, or for the Confederation to go on the offense, they're out of their minds (if they have any minds left
Actually, I think that the whole point of capturing the wormhole in SO was to make an offensive in the next game.
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Casey would have a tough choice. Oh wait...he already spent time "on leave" with Jean Talvert.
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The bugs could be the Star Gods, or they could not. It doesn't matter between stock and barrel.
As for the shipyards in ruins, yes, I was referring to 2668 near Earth. But internal conflicts between Confed and the cats still pool resources in unwanted areas.

Besides, the way Origin is going to make it, it will be a tough one (if you've been observing how Origin makes its sequels of its games).

Anywho, that doesn't really matter, as long as we go on the offense in the next one (and like you said, a limited offensive), then its ok.
But taking a standing defense forever solves nothing, and the Confeds know it.
Metras said:
But internal conflicts between Confed and the cats still pool resources in unwanted areas.
The resourcess necessary to keep the cats at bay aren't that big. They have very little ship building capability, and they're divided amongst themselves.

Besides, the way Origin is going to make it, it will be a tough one (if you've been observing how Origin makes its sequels of its games).
Hm, all of the Wing Commander sequels seemd to fit IMO.

Anywho, that doesn't really matter, as long as we go on the offense in the next one (and like you said, a limited offensive), then its ok.
Of course. Like Maestro was talking, put some turrets around the wormhole, and than you can start going through. Have a light/medium carrier in Proxima at all times, and 2/3 Plunketts. Go through the wormhole, establish some small outposts, start moving ships through and land on any habitable planets in the area, and so on.
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Ahh yes... like the militiary saying goes with that tactic

'Leap-frogging' your forces.


Member of BlackLance HQ

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
The booklet doesn't say anything about the "Star Gods" destroying Kilrah it says that the "Star Gods" came to Kilrah to fight their strongest warriors but when it came time for the battle they shunned the Kilrathi and said they would come back when they were worthy, But a Milennia later Sivar prophicised Blair destroying Kilrah

Casey should pick Rachel (porn Star) I'm sure she can satisfy him.

I think you're getting your Lust for Battle confused with you Lust for 'Bonkers' mixed up
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Since we manage at the end of WCSO to win a "door" to bugs space. Plus some of us think that Blair is in bugs space (7 th. Tower theory). So the next WC should be an attack against the Nephilims maybe with Maniac leading everything

"Hasta la victoria siempre."
-El Che
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I think that a long time ago I did read that possible story from the Japanese dude that created the WCP.

PS: Except for the Blair and Maniac part.

"Hasta la victoria siempre."
-El Che

[This message has been edited by Asterix (edited June 04, 2000).]
What I meant by saying that the Bugs never destroyed Kilrah was that if I were a Kilrathi warrior...I'd hate those "damned, dirty apes" a hell of a lot more than some supposed mythological figure from millenia ago. It is a fresher wound after all.
The Kilrathi will NEVER ally with the Bugs. We may not know if they're the Star Gods of the Prophecy, but the Kilrathi sure as hell believe they are. To ally with them would be to ally yourself with the Devil. The Kilrathi are a very religious group, and them most certainly will not do anything like that.

Confed should not go on an offensive, simply because they're Confed. They want peace, they just came out of a thirty-five year war, and unless you want to see the Israel-Lebanon story recycled as the plot of WCVI, Confed will not go on the offensive.

The Blair coming back theory, as I've previously stated, is not only boring, it's also outright stupid. I'd rather see Confed fighting the Radioactive Hamsters from Mars than see Blair come back in any form.

I don't know if Casey is actually involved with Stiletto, or if they're still hovering in that "just friends" stage that they can't seem to leave, but... come on, would you seriously go after a woman who's so much older than you? Gah...

Besides, Rachel's ugly, and acts too much like a... a... well, to put it nicely, I don't think her Confed job is her main source of income

Finally, Confed may be a fresher wound, but Confed is *just* Confed. If the Daemons of Hell decided to invade Earth and slaughter everyone, would you ask them to help you slaughter your enemies?
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Good point but some of the Wing Commander: Prophecy literature says something about the Kilrathi demonifying (sp?) the Confederation. Another thing to think about is that the star gods/Kn'Thrak/Nephilem/Bugs didn't think that the Kilrathi were worthy adversaries so they left them alone until they were worthy again someday. Maybe some of the Kilrathi would think it an honor to fight alongside the Kn'Thrak to defeat their most recent enemy. I'm just playing devil's advocate here.

[This message has been edited by Nohbody (edited June 04, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Nohbody (edited June 04, 2000).]
No, they wouldn't. Think about how the Kilrathi feel knowing that the Nephilem didn't consider them worthy... any Kilrathi who wouldn't respond to that insult is no Kilrathi.

Besides, this whole idea of yours was rendered null and void by WCP, where the most extremist faction of the Kilrathi - the Cult of Sivar - sided with the Confederation.