WC Movie Trailer

Was the Wing Commander movie trailer first shown to the public prior to The Phantom Menace? I'm fairly certain it was, and if so, who made that decision? Was it reached between Chris Roberts and LucasFilm, or was there another factor involved?
You've got it backwards - the trailer for The Phantom Menace was first shown before Wing Commander. Wing Commander came out several months before TPM.
Woops, you are right!

Bandit LOAF said:
You've got it backwards - the trailer for The Phantom Menace was first shown before Wing Commander. Wing Commander came out several months before TPM.

Sorry Loaf, had a brain cramp there for a minute while I was typing :o . OK, so TPM trailer run prior to the WC film. I was after confirmation that it was in fact the first movie it was shown before, and was wondering if anyone knows the details of how that decision was reached?
The original TPM teaser trailer came out around Thanksgiving, 1998, on a limited run (Going with The Waterboy [among others], if I remember correctly). The regular trailer's first run in theaters came packaged with Wing Commander. Fox executives believed that it would help movie sales for Wing Commander (I do recall a Matthew Lillard interview where he said how awesome having the trailer go with WC was).

The TPM trailer actual premiered a few days prior on Entertainment Tonight, and both trailers were availible to download (the second trailer was the most downloaded movie trailer to this day, unless I missed something).
ChanceKell said:
The TPM trailer actual premiered a few days prior on Entertainment Tonight, and both trailers were availible to download (the second trailer was the most downloaded movie trailer to this day, unless I missed something).

Yeah, they downloaded it at Digital Anvil and showed it to me and LOAF after the movie premiere because there were no previews at our showing.
WC suffered a bit at the cinema - the SFX scenes were made without thought to the fact that the average projector bulb doesn't operate at 100% efficiency... so a lot of the movie came off as far too dark.

As far as the trailer goes, it was Chris Roberts who convinced FOX to attach the trailer to Wing Commander... which enraged Lucas, who demanded that FOX not promote the fact that the trailer was with Wing Commander, that the trailer be released online and that it be removed from Wing Commander as soon as possible.

(Lucas{Variable} is, by all accounts, rather petty regarding competition - their comic book licensee, for instance, is by contract not allowed to purchase the Star Trek license...)
Lucas is interesting. The running theme of his movies is that technology is evil and natural or primitive is good. Then he makes the movies using the most advanced available digital technology and CGI.
*lol* Doesn't it?! He'd kill me if he knew I told but hey :D

Just restores Your faith in humanity, doesn't it? Makes me feel better about my bad habits is for sure!
gryphon said:
Just restores Your faith in humanity, doesn't it?

If Greenpeace were just hypocrites, than perhaps. But some of the things they fight for might actually be very harmful.
Delance said:
Lucas is interesting. The running theme of his movies is that technology is evil and natural or primitive is good. Then he makes the movies using the most advanced available digital technology and CGI.
I don't think the Star Wars movies are anywhere near that black and white. The good guys also usually use advanced technology, and the primitive cultures in SW are frequently evil.

That having been said, technophobia as a theme usually does occur in science-fiction rather than elsewhere. There is certainly nothing odd about this - you could hardly have people complaining about the dangers of genetic engineering and robotics in the middle of, say, Master and Commander :).
TopGun said:
I would have liked to have seen WC at the Cinema

I had had that "pleasure". :D
In my personal opinion, the only true WC are the novels and the game series.
I was in the movie with some other friends 4 years ago. We were the only people on there. :o

The Movie had sucked on the whole line in Germany. We couldn't prevent this tragedy with our ~10 DeutschMark (at this time DM before the coming of the Euro monopoly-game currency) Tickets. :p
In my personal opinion, the only true WCs are the Nintendo Power comic strip, Freespace 2 and Kings Quest 5 (To Heir is Human).

The lesson here is that opinions can be stupid. :)