WC movie on Sci-fi channel


I saw previews of the Wing Commander Movie on the Sci-fi channel a couple of times but never saw a date when it was going to be aired.
I don't own a copy of the movie and I wanted to record it if I caught it. So if anyone knows when there going to play it please let me know thanks...
Check the Sci-Fi's website. I'm sure they have a listing for what movies are gonna be played during the summer.
You can get it for $9.99 at Blockbuster. I got it, and have watched it at least six or seven times, so it was worth $10.
I beat you to it.

Wing Commander on SCI FI

I noticed the previews for it a few months ago. :) I couldn't find any dates or times, either. I think someone did, though. Check the CIC Archives for information...if it's there. At any rate, we'll find out soon enough...
Yeah, it was on the news page. In August, I think it comes on.

I first saw the promo for it when I was watching Naked Lunch on SCI-FI. Weird movie. But, William Burroughs was a little strange, I guess. I read one paragraph of that book and I was scarred for life.

Eh, nevermind. Wing Commander rules! :p

[Edited by Dralthi5 on 07-13-2001 at 10:55]
Dralthi: I got about 4 pages and got utterly lost. Something about heroin and cabbage I think? It's been two years or something. I really like William S. Burrow's poem "The Road to the Western Land" though. Was made into a fun spoken word CD done to techno and Spring-Heeled Jack! :p
Heroin and cabbage? I don't know about that, but there're a couple talking typewriters. :)

Hey, I'm listening to a CD with William Burroughs on it right now! He does a cool version of Jim Morrison's "Lions in the Street" with background music from "Back Door Man."