WC IV Ship Editor


Hey Guys!

I´ve stumbled upon the WC IV SHip Editor made by Thomas Bruckner.
My Problem is that I can´t get it working.

Is it possible that it isn´t working with WC4W.exe for win XP??

Has anyone any clues?

THX alot

Pliers :D
No idea... I think I tried the WC4 ship editor once, but I don't remember if I ever got anywhere with it.
It works on my XP, make sure your have the "data"-folder and the necessary files on c:\ like described in the readme.
Any clues where to get more ships for use in the editor, i only have the arrow, darket, dralthi, excalibur, paktahn, phantom, thunderbolt and vaktoth.
i did like mentioned

I installed it like the readme said


my wc4 is as suggested in


not c:\wc4 or somthing else

wcedit.cfg is in c:\data and configured to c:\komisch\wc4

ships.zip unpacked to c:\data\objects

and data.zip unpackes to c:\komisch\wc4\data

finally the wcedit.exe and wc4p.exe unzipped to c:\komisch\wc4

the editor does create after clicking "create ship" an iff in objects

after clicking "lauch" wc4 starts but there is no effect......

so what´s wrong???

THX for more clues

what exactly is "noeffect"?
does the game start? if not, check the version. If you chose dos version then the program looks for "wc4.exe", and for windows "wc4w.exe". If you use the DVD-version you have to rename your "wc4dvd.exe" to "wc4w.exe".
I suppose you DID load a savegame to try your changes, maybe you should try just to change the "current ship" to see if that works
When i press the lauch button, the editor patches gameflow.tre and starts the game.
Then i´m loading my savegame (i´ve saved before takeoff) and then taking off immediately.

But there is no changed ship, no effect.



Then i have no clue, you could try to remove the writing protection from all the TREs, but normally there shouldn´t be one on them.
Another possibility:
Are you using a foreign language version? As fas as i know the editor was programmed for the english one. Maybe other language versions mess around with order and names in the TREs, so the editor cannot address them. I have 5 versions of WC4, maybe i can reproduce your error.
I own the German Version 6 Cd´s.
WC4W.exe Version :

I´ve ordered the english DVD version from a friend. Maybe it will work with that one.


the effect only shows up after you take off.
it won't looks different in cockpit
it will work if you use other created .iff or .wce files

but when i tried to creat my own settin, it won't work
whenever the mission briefing come out
it crash and tell me missing CD-ROM or file...
I tried to mail the author of the program
but he seems never check his mail, his mail box always full....
can any one share some ideal?