WC Comic Update


Here it is, folks. The first "official" art from the "unofficial" Wing Commander comic book. Here is a glimpse at some of the main characters...

(each post will be a character bio...)
(All text is by Maj. Striker)

2nd Lieutenant Thomas Halcyon - The only son of decorated war veteran Colonel Peter Halcyon (commander of the TCS Tiger's Claw), Thomas is looking to carve his own record in Confed history. Recently graduated from the Academy, Thomas was known for his consistantly good grades and attention to details. Although anxious to get his first combat assignment, Thomas is wise enough to maintain control, an attribute sadly lacking in his fellow classmate Charles "Suicide" Connor. Though fresh from the Academy, Thomas has been dubbed the nickname of "Bishop", a reference to his strict control but impressive performance in the cockpit.


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    Halcyon 002.jpg
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2nd Lieutenant Charles Connor - Nicknamed "Suicide" and for a good reason, Charles Connor is English born and quite proud of it, although he's even moreso of his black ancestry. Charles has recently graduated along side 2nd Lt. Halcyon and is spoiling for his first run-in with the Kilrathi. Self-confident to a fault, Connor believes he is the best... and everyone else should believe it as well.


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1st Lieutenant Jonathan Craft - Jonathan's quiet nature and stealthy manuvors have earned him the callsign, "Shadow". His parents murder at the hands of Mandarin sabatuers has caused him to become extremely introverted. Even his closest friends rarely have conversations longer than a few minutes with him. Despite his private, and sometimes secretive lifestyle, Jonathan is an exceptionally skilled pilot with dozens of Kilrathi kills already under his belt.


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    Shadow Head 01.jpg
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Pretty great looking!

Point of fiction, though -- Wing Commander lore already has characters with two of your callsigns. Lieutenant Polanski from the movie and movie novels is "Bishop", and Captain Norwood from Wing Commander 2 was "Shadow".
I'll bet there's been hundreds of "Shadow"s and "Bishop"s in the hundreds of years humans have been flying by that time...
FrostyNSO said:
I'll bet there's been hundreds of "Shadow"s and "Bishop"s in the hundreds of years humans have been flying by that time...

And you'd be right. Nevertheless, in Wing Commander, we follow a small set of main characters. The people making the comic might want to avoid duplication to keep things clear.
FrostyNSO said:
I'll bet there's been hundreds of "Shadow"s and "Bishop"s in the hundreds of years humans have been flying by that time...

Sure -- but the issue here isn't originality, it's the reference from Falcon's Wing Commander Prophecy Official Guide bio -- which claims that callsigns are unique (not for all time, but that pilots don't share the same callsign at any given time - so someone named "Shadow" wouldn't have the callsign between 2656 and 2665, for instance).
Wow, those look fantastic! Keep us all on the up and up.

(And goddamn it, who set my post count back 40 points?)
Maj.Striker said:
Good thing this is taking place in late 2654...

That means he'll have to die before 2655 if he's keeping that callsign, which means the comic'll either change characters real soon, or spend most of it's run in the same few months. :D
Not to poke you in the eye or anything, but does the main character have to graduate best of his class. That's deja vu (Casey, Maverick).
Well, there is some reasoning behind that sort of distinction - only a small fraction of the officers who graduate from the TCSNA go on to become fighter pilots... the vast majority don't go on to advanced flight school. Given that, it stands to reason that most of the fighter pilots we see in action who are also academy graduates would be towards the top of their class.

(Blair wasn't first in his Academy class -- academically, he ranked 477th. He was first in his Flight School class in terms of practial applications... ie, his scores recieved for training missions.

(Of course, what I'd like to see is characters who didn't attend the academy at all. It's the West Point of the Wing Commander universe... only a very select few candidates go there -- the career military guys who want to make general officer someday. The balance of the Space Forces is made up of people who became officers through college ROTC programs or draftees who were reccomended for OCS.)

Most of the Space Forces should be made up of officers who came from college ROTC programs or draftees who were reccomended for officer training programs and then went through flight school. Academy guys are the elite career officers who someday want to make general officer...).
It really looks great! I can't wait until the first issue is finished
Like a late christmas present :)

Keep up the good work guys!

Bandit LOAF said:
(Of course, what I'd like to see is characters who didn't attend the academy at all. It's the West Point of the Wing Commander universe... only a very select few candidates go there -- the career military guys who want to make general officer someday. The balance of the Space Forces is made up of people who became officers through college ROTC programs or draftees who were reccomended for OCS.)

Most of the Space Forces should be made up of officers who came from college ROTC programs or draftees who were reccomended for officer training programs and then went through flight school. Academy guys are the elite career officers who someday want to make general officer...).

Good point, after all, Iceman was a product of the ROTC (although his abilities appeared to be average at best until the death of his family). However, with Thomas "Bishop" Halcyon being the son of a decorated war hero (Colonel Halcyon) it makes good sense that he would be one of the few admitted to the Academy. Granted, he could have been introduced and trained through ROTC but as a note aside, it would seem likely that he would be admitted to the Academy.

Point of fiction, though -- Wing Commander lore already has characters with two of your callsigns. Lieutenant Polanski from the movie and movie novels is "Bishop", and Captain Norwood from Wing Commander 2 was "Shadow".

Hmm, well, I certainly don't want to duplicate characters if possible, and I did some research before choosing character callsigns and the only Bishop I found was a Charles Karpiak from the Wing Commander Prophecy timeline (which was significantly further in the timeline that I felt was acceptable to utilize the callsign). As for using Norwood's Shadow callsign, I also researched this and due to the limited information available on her, I assumed it was more likely that Norwood was in service from 2660-2665 (I only assumed this based on her youthful appearance in WC 2 which implied to me that she was a younger person and unlikely to be in or beyond mid-thirties. I do realize that this entirely open to interpretation). Using that as a guideline, I felt it safe to assume that the callsign would be available.) At any rate, I don't feel a compelling need to change the callsigns at this time, unless Kenshi would prefer it, I'm leaving the executive decisions for him to decide.