WC 1 and 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Killroy
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Does anyone know where I can get my hands on WCI & II for WIN95. I'm only intrested in the real stuff
Though you asked for Windows versions, you could look around and get the origional DOS games cheap... We can help you set it up in the tech support forum if you need help.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
The only problem with ebay is that the auctions run up to over $100. Thats why I'm going for the games serparately.

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
Most of the time, with some help from others, people are able to get the origionals working fine. If you get them, try to install them yourselves and if you have problems wander into the tech support forum (Before the old theads were deleted the old posts were a great refrance material.)


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
The Win95 editions are exclusively included in the Kilrathi Saga. It was the reason KS was made.
If you do have a spare $100 around... then spend it on KS, otherwise get the originals...


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
I'll se if I can find it in cyberspace.
DOS or win95/8 does'nt matter.
I must find it soon becouse my hands has started to shake. It has been a long time since they hade a real fight in outer space