Video trouble


My computer died (not Y2K, just an old CPU) and now I'm useing a paste-and-glue special. It's an old 486 I dug up with no CDROM or sound ($40 at a local computer store). Anyway I managed to install Win95 by plugging a hard drive into my brothers computer and installing. Well the problem is that my display won't go above 16 colors so I can't see any of the pics on the web. Windows has managed to detect the card but I can't get get to the drivers in the CD. I've tried looking on the web for drivers but they are all too old to work with 95. So can somebody send me the files "framebuf.dll, ati.vxd, framebuf.drv, and supervga.drv" so I can get the bloody thing to work. My e-mail address is Thanks.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
Ummmm... why not, instead of installing W95, which sucks big time on a 486, install W3.1, Linux, or DOS... There are internet programs available for all of these and it would run a hell of a lot better.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Well surpridsingly it isn't really that slow. That and I know how to use Windows along with the toys that come with it such as the drivers. Take the modem for instance which works (obiosly). I don't have the driver for that and there is no identification on the card to say what brand it is. Right now it's set up as a generic. I would ask my brother to e-mail me the files but he has just learned how to turn on his computer and I don't want to overstimulate him.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
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Hmm... looks like somebody forgot to copy the .cab files to his hard drive when installing Win95... tsk, tsk. To keep this kind of situation from happening again, I suggest getting those .cab files (found in the Win95 directory of the installation CD) onto your hard drive. They contain all of the drivers you'll need.
If your thinking I have an illiegal copy... I'm happy to say I have a legal copy. I forgo to copy the Cab files, but I did remember to copy the regular driver files though.
Could someone help me out here. I talked to my brother through the process over the phone and managed to get the file "supervga.drv" but it's so darn frustrating trying how to tell someone who has literaly no knowlege of computers. I miss haveing Win98.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
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Didn't mean to imply anything of the sort. What I meant was: put that hard drive back in your brother's machine and copy the .cabs. Best thing you can do.

I'll do that. It's just that he lives pretty far from me and I hate to tear his computer apart like that. You know how it is. I break something in my computer fine. I break something in his computer I'll feel guilty and have to spend time an money to fix it. Not to mention he'll be pissed. See what I'm talking about here? I left the CD at his house so I'll just ask him to download the Cab files to my FTP site or maybe just e-mail them to me.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
Yup, I know exactly what you mean....
Still, there are a couple hundred megs of .cabs, if I recall correctly. Good luck getting `em copied.
It works, sort of. I went over to my brothers and copied the files but I can't get the card to work with more than 256 colors. Oh well, it's better than 16. At least now I can see pics now. Thanks for the help Stinger.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
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Question: how much V-Ram is on the card? Is it even capable of more than 256 colours?


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
It's a 16 bit card but none of the Windows drivers are really compatable. As for V-ram... Not really sure. Hell, it may not even be 16 bit. I'm just assuming it's 16 because it says so on the side of the card (no manual). "ATI VGA 16 bit Wonder". Is all it says, and that's how it's detected by Windows.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
You wouldn't by chance have a link to said site would you? I've looked but hav't had much luck. What drivers I do find are for Win3.1 and Win95 won't except them.

Stinger: Wh is it that I never see you post in the General chat zone?

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
Gunner mostly goes to sleep at eleven...mostly.:)
Oh boy... that is complicated..
The ATI 16-bit Wonder card has bugs beyond bugs... along with the S3 Trio 3D... etc..
You'll find it to be a software AND hardware conflict. They did not create appropriate drivers for the hardware because it was created in a huge rush. Plus... make sure you have those CAB FILES!!! (I have Win 98 2nd Edition w/ CAB files... its big!)
I HIGHLY suggest you get Win 3.1 or Linux instead of Win 95 on a 486. BTW... what is the Megahertz for your 486? 33, 66, 100?
Unfortunately, Win 3.1 does not support 16-bit resolution, only 256. But... don't strangle yourself, get a Pentium.
Or at least an equivalent Cyrix/AMD-K6 or something.
Actually... you can get a decent low-end Pentium bare for a very cheap penny these days. As for CD-ROMS, you can get a pretty decent one for cheap also.
Win 95 was originally 'designed/tested' to work on a Pentium (or equivalent) system.
As you know, Windows 95 does have a lot of bugs, so check the Microsoft Website for patches (there is about 10-15 the last time I checked).

Don't worry though, with 256 you can play Wing Commander Privateer!!! >:P

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
The 486 has a 33 processor and 8 mb of ram. Two hard drives 500 & 130. Take note that this piece of crap is NOT my primary system. I just got it to tide me over while my good system is out of commision.

I do have all of the cab files copied. A knew processor is in the mail already and will probly get here by next Friday. As for Linux... I've heard good things about the program and it would probly be interesting to try it. Do you know were I can download it, It's my understanding that the os is freeware.

Question: Will I be able to play WCP nd other programs like Starcrft and Caesar III with Linux? If not I won't even bother with it

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
Gunner mostly goes to sleep at eleven...mostly.:)
Well, until the new processor comes, you needn't worry about playing WCP or StarCraft....

You won't be able to play WCP natively in Linux, but I have heard about emulators that may be helpful.
Will useing said emulators effect the speed of the game or make my system unstable? And can you use programs like Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word? I'm willing to try it but if I can't use the games and programs I like then it's not worth the trouble.