"Unable to Join Game"


Rear Admiral
Every time I try to get into a multi-player game, I get am "unable to join game" message. Now granted I am pretty ignorant when it comes to mp gaming, is this normal, or is there an issue with my X-Box live connection?

This does happen frequently. On your 360's System blade, run the network connection test. Make sure the NAT option says OPEN and not MODERATE or RESTRICTED. It's not necessarily your fault though. I've been unable to join sometimes because someone in the game has a restricted NAT.
Thank you sir, hopefully that will help...

I just ran the connection test, and the NAT is set to STRICT. I cannot find how to change it though. I'm toying with it now.
Ok, so I have opened ports 88 and 3074 on my router, and I have set my IP and DNS on my XBOX 360 to manual. I still get NAT "STRICT". Any thoughts what to do next other than to go buy a new router? The really sucky thing is now I won't go to multi-player for fear of booting the other players.

BTW, my current router is a NETGEAR WGR614v6. Does that mean anything to anyone that has networking knowledge?

I changed the router to static IP and uploaded new software, this seems to have fixed the problem. I am now at NAT "OPEN".
Well, damn. My apartment complex utilizes one big internet connection. I don't really have access to it. Looks like I'm SOL until I move in October...
For my Linksys WRT54G, simply disabling UPNP fixed the problem*. The new AirPort seems to play nice with the 360 out of the box.

*This is in addition to setting the port forwarding correctly, which should be obvious.
Frankly, UPnP should be disabled no matter what, given the extra security headache it presents, for no practical advantage. :p
The weird thing is that I had to ENABLE upnp to make it work! I was running m0n0wall ( a FreeBSD-based router package) and on their forums they talked about the Xbox Live NAT issue, and apparently there was no way to get Nat:Open with m0n0wall. Today I switched to pfSense (another router project forked from m0n0wall) and I am very impressed with it. It has the option to very easily install and run packages, including upnp support. As much as I dont want to, I now have upnp running and finally got Nat:Open.

I'm suddenly getting a MTU failure error - even though my router is set for 1475.

W 0000-0021
X 0000-F001
Y 0000-0000
Z 0000-0000

Any thoughts?
I am having a MTU problem all of the sudden as well:

w: 0000-000B
X: 0000-F001
Y: 0000-0000
Z: 0000-0000

I didn't have any MTU problems before. Just before that happened, the XBox wanted to download a newer version of XBox Live but that didin't work.

Crap, I hoped to get my NAT to open before the birthday, now I can't play at all. :mad:
Mekt: I got my connection working again by following the Port Forwarding FAQ linked previously in this thread. Have you tried to do that yet? (I just haven't bothered with the static IP thing - as I have terrible luck with networking and fear it would somehow disconnect the two computers it runs on)
Thanks for the info.

I didn't try the FAQ here but a different one but it did me no good. I'll try the one here when I come back this evening, without the static IP maybe as well.
Hope it works, chances of getting the Tiger's Claw achievement should be considerably higher tonight. ;)
Thanks for the info.

I didn't try the FAQ here but a different one but it did me no good. I'll try the one here when I come back this evening, without the static IP maybe as well.
Hope it works, chances of getting the Tiger's Claw achievement should be considerably higher tonight. ;)

Yeah, it should be a great time. I imagine we'll have a bunch of private CIC games going. Good time for squadron creation as well.
Phew, after some tinkering and the good old "pulling the power cord", I was able to solve my MTU and NAT problem. Just in time!

Of course, the guide was very helpful, thanks AD!
oddly enough I disabled upnp and my NAT went from open to moderate. reenabling it immediately moved the NAT back to open. So you may have to tinker with it to see what works for you

Oh and congrats mekt on opening your nat (and on winning a starsoldier). Maybe we'll meet online!
Arena just stopped working today.. i tried to log in with free membership(silver) that was okay until now....