Turtle Beach's Santa Cruz and WC games?

Maybe you should post this question in the "tech support" forum as well...
(edit: Just in case this thread is moved to the tech support forum and anyone wonders why I wrote this, I wish to say that I posted this *before* the thread was moved :D)

Is the card "sound blaster compatible"?
Or compatible to another *standard* ?
This is not a tech support question. It's asking you people for their experences with this card. It's is a SB compatible but so is the SBLive Platinum + cards and they suck with WCP and P1.
Turtle Beach's cards were the original ones with the movie skipping problem in Wing Commander Prophecy. For quite a while we actually thought that the probem was isolated to their cards.

TC, I did know that. My own hands on research brought me to believe it was a driver problem. At least between CL's LiveWire 3 and DirectX 8.x. I would assume it was the same for the Turtle Beach cards. From what OriginalPhoenix said Turtle Beach fix this problem. CL didn't fix this for LiveWire 3 but did fix it for their new Audigy card.

Oh, sorry about my poor grammar. That "you people" thing, I was in a hurry.