TRex vision


Vice Admiral
Watching Jurassic Park on USA Network tonight I got to wondering about something.
According to the show the Tyranosaur's vision is based on movement, if you don't move he can't see you. I think this is even laid out in the book. So what I'm wondering is if there are any animals currently around that have this detriment. I say detriment because I like using big words:p but also because it seems that any animal that had vision like this would die out pretty quick wouldn't it?
yes. and no it would not die. there are plenty of creatures with no sight at all.

a bat is nearly blind. it can only see motion if it is very pronounced. It doesn't need its sight to fly through complex caverns with obstacles though.. it navigates by sonar.

The T-rex if it had crappy vision would probably rely on smell for navigating.. so it would have found them anyway at that range.
Shaggy said:
So what I'm wondering is if there are any animals currently around that have this detriment. I say detriment because I like using big words:p but also because it seems that any animal that had vision like this would die out pretty quick wouldn't it?

It depends on the animal. In this case it wouldn't. I imagine the specifics of a TRex's vision were exaggerated in the movie, but you have to look at the organism's role in the food chain. The TRex's job was to chase and eat things that ran away from it. This is the reason why its vision might have evolved that way to begin with. Because not all predators would have been like that, prey species would also never have developed the preservation instinct to stand still. So it doesn't seem like this really would have been detrimental.

NinjaLA said:
a bat is nearly blind. it can only see motion if it is very pronounced. It doesn't need its sight to fly through complex caverns with obstacles though.. it navigates by sonar.

The T-rex if it had crappy vision would probably rely on smell for navigating.. so it would have found them anyway at that range.

The reason a bat is blind is because it typically operates in a very low light environment. Species don't just develop crappy vision for the hell of it. They do so because that sense isn't utilized and selected for. If this type of vision were truly a hinderance, then better vision would have been the result just as much as a better sense of smell.
actually my point was that it would not be automatically destined to die..

sonar is actually BETTER than sight when navigating as a bat.. since sight won't let you see an invisible barrier like a window :p
In the novel sequel to JP, The Lost World, the whole "T-rexes can't see still objects" thing was shot down, I think by the mathemetician.

Yeah, I read it. I'm still trying to find who to sue to get my time back for having done so.
Death said:
In the novel sequel to JP, The Lost World, the whole "T-rexes can't see still objects" thing was shot down, I think by the mathemetician.

Yeah, I read it. I'm still trying to find who to sue to get my time back for having done so.

Yeah I liked the first movie better than the books too. Although I didn't mind the books. To me, they were fun in their own way. But the second movie was dreadful. The third movie seemed pasted together from all the stuff they didnt put in the first two which is alot considering the second movie and book pretty much only have their name in common.
NinjaLA said:
a bat is nearly blind. it can only see motion if it is very pronounced. It doesn't need its sight to fly through complex caverns with obstacles though.. it navigates by sonar.

Bats have excellent vision. They also navigate by sonar. Maybe a species or two IS blind, but I don't think so. I read a book about bats in grade school.:D It was called "Bats".
AD said:
Yeah I liked the first movie better than the books too. Although I didn't mind the books. To me, they were fun in their own way. But the second movie was dreadful. The third movie seemed pasted together from all the stuff they didnt put in the first two which is alot considering the second movie and book pretty much only have their name in common.

I liked The Lost World movie better than the original JP. Jurassic Park III never happened.
Mav23 said:
I liked The Lost World movie better than the original JP. Jurassic Park III never happened.

To be fair, I did like the first half of The Lost World movie. The raptors in the grass, and the trailer scene were good. But the end was so rediculous it pretty much ruined the movie for me...

The whole T-rex (was it sandiego?) running down the streets and such came across all wrong to me, as did the raptor stuff to do with the boat. As much as the Idea sounds fun to have a t-rex running in populated areas eating dogs and people sounds like fun, it isnt if the whole set-up for it is preposterous and betrays the "suspension of disbelief." As well the second movie lacked the lighter moments that helped balance the first movie and also helped you invest in some of the characters more.
hehe.. I thought the mini Godzilla scenes from the end of The Lost World were great.

I know it was nothing like the book (I read that too) but I didn't care.

If you don't presume upon them, or go to them with any expectations, both 2 and 3 make better action movies than anything Ahnold Governator produced in the last 15 years :p