Tractor beam craziness.



First off, AWESOME GAME, THANK YOU. I've been up all night.

Question though: I seem to be able to tractor in Tarsus ships with my Galaxy. This makes missions against pirates or retros WAY too easy. Is this supposed to happen?

Also, I was messing around with the definition files and discovered that if you are flying a Paradigm, you can gobble up jump points with a t-beam.

Finally, if I make the basic Talon buyable, two things happen:

(1) I can release the Talons I gobble up, and when I do they are on my side;
(2) If I try to fly a Talon, I get the same rep as a pirate while I am in it.

(Would be kinda cool to have, say, a drayman with a big tractor beam and a gaping maw and eat up light fighters like this, though... very vulnerable against anything else however)
Which version are you using? 0.9 or a 1.0 prerelease? You shouldn't be able to trctor in ships with a galaxy.

If you were able to carry smaller ships, (be it due to a bug, or a hypothetical future situation where you could buy a drayman), ejecting them causes them to act as wingmen, yes. That is an intended behaviour in Vegastrike, but one which will not normally be seen in Privateer.

Flying a Talon with pirate markings adjusting your rep: intended. Also won't happen normally.

Sucking up jump points: not intended, but won't be an issue in normal gameplay.

Basically, if you edit game files weird things will happen.
Fixed it!

I got off my ass and fixed it. Basically this is the turret patch with the following stuff added:

-Can't tractor in & sell steltek drone anymore
-Can't tractor in & sell enemy tarsus fighters anymore
-Tractor and repulsor beam textures show up properly now
-Can buy two variants (normal and wimpy) of escort tarsus
-Can only tractor/eject those when flying a Galaxy, pointless otherwise
-Each cost 70 cargo spaces
-Can also be flown independently -- this was done so that if you eject and make it home, you can get a crappy ship with which to restart.

I know this isn't canon etc. but it was a quick fix (half a hour) and it was fun to do, besides, one thing I always wanted to do with a Galaxy in the original priv was strap a fighter or two to it. A fun thing to do is getting good turrets on your galaxy, buy a good escort talon, launch it, fly it and use the galaxy as a gun platform, then switch ships and tractor the fighter in and relaunch it for repairs. Kinda like WC2 meets Starscape. :)

Hope it helps... I wish I knew of priv remake sooner or I'd have helped, I'm a fairly decent game modder (I'm the kitty who figured out how to edit wing commander armada ship loadouts, soooooooo long ago)
Before I forget: I also added a savegame to show what's going on.

What I wanted to do is give the Galaxy a bit more flexibility really... didn't they retrofit a civilian transport with a fighter bay in WC2:SO anyway? :)

Another fun thing to do if you're a munchkin is drive a Paradigm, buy an absolute assload of escort talons, and go into Kilrathi space.

mkb at
The question remains: which version are you using? Looking at the zip file it seems you are using 0.9. A lot has changed since then, particularly regarding beams. The galaxy can't tractor things in, the textures always show up etc.

We're happy for any help of course, but no need to duplicate effort. Point being, try to have the latest version before going nuts with patches, as they may no longer be necessary and will definately be cleaner to apply :)
I'd love to get the updated version (how do I do that?), in the meantime, I was hoping that this would be fun for those of us who have 0.9.

And I honestly think that having a bolt-on fighter/lifeboat should be an option for the Galaxy at least. :)

If you want to tell me how to get 1.0pre, I can look and see if I can poke around it.... although you guys definitely don't need me, this game rocks.
well this is a closed beta testing...if you want to apply to be a tester you either have to register or give us a private way to contact you (e-mail, etc)
spiritplumber at the mail from the google from the dotten commen

^_^; IF you think it's worth the time for ya, eh. Beta testing wise, again, I do poke around a lot, so maybe I can be of some use.