Originally posted by Chameleon102
Hitler with good ideas? Never heard that one before.
Tolwyn was always painted as "the man who got things done". So was Blair, but Blair actually cared about the people involved, whereas Tolwyn just kept throwing technology and personnel at the problem until it got solved. Telamon was a FUBAR as far as Tolwyn's approval ratings were concerned, but everyone seems to have forgotten the murder of the people on board the T.C.S Armadeus (the UNARMED med-transport with civvie refugees)which was Flash Packed by Seether.
"Confed would have had a considerable fleet of Vesuvius-class megacarriers by the time the Bugs arrived." Maybe so, but did you see how easily the Bugs nuked the St. Helen's carrier group? And that was a Vesuvius-class carrier. The Midway/Cerberus system is considerably better than the Victory/Lexington/Vesuvius system, whereby you need to take the bridge and engines out instead of just shooting them. I can only assume from this that weapon technology surpassed the Phase Shield technology in Wing Commander 2, and it's taken this long to get them up to scratch again.
Confed did not defeat the Bugs, we merely pushed them back. God help us if they ever get their whole fleet through. Remember the Battle Of Earth? That was only a large strike fleet, not the whole Kilrathi military!
I think that Tolwyn was born and bred for war. With the exception of the Behemoth debacle, it has been made clear that he will do anything to get the job done (Remember Wing Commander 2, when he ordered the Transit Cannon to fire at the Kamekh, even though there was a significant chance that the reactor would explode?). When the Treaty was signed, Tolwyn probably had a mop-up job of the remaining Imperialists in mind.
He wasn't ready for this. He should have been sidestepped into Tactical.