Time to Claim Lucky Prize Winners (August 13, 2000)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
I've received a number of contact emails from those who won prizes at the birthday party on Thursday, but for those who haven't emailed me yet, go ahead and include your name, address, nickname and prize won in a message. It'll be a little while before we can get everything together, but before long we'll announce here when the prizes have been shipped. Here's a list of the door prizes and who won them. Most of the prizes were various WC items, and there was an alternate prize of two Movie Promo Postcards and one CIC Magnet available. KDown and Shane also graciously donated prizes for the event. Most items awarded were given away by a random drawing, but there were a few trivia questions.
  • Two CCG Booster Packs - Primarch
  • Movie Action Figure - TyeDyeBoy
  • A Random Novel - Boeman, Jumper & Ladiesman
  • Movie Poster - Ainamacar
  • CIC Shirt - Vinman
  • MS Office (donated by KDown) - AcidRain
  • Autograph Telep Novel (donated by KDown) - WildCat
  • Freedom Flight (donated by Shane) - Grimloc
  • Burned WC Academy TV CDs - Psychopath & Joe
  • Movie Postcards & CIC Magnet - Frosty, Bugscratch, Primarch, Meson, DougieHehe, Trashcan & C777
If there were around sixty people there and almost twenty prizes, I guess people had a pretty good chance of walking away with something.

Original update published on August 13, 2000
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