There not alot of people in the forum much anymore?


Or is it just me asking too many questions. I'm OCD with things, always have, always will. But I see 75 views 2 replies etc. Are they as lost as me or is it more "let him google it". Trust me I have, and it leads me back here. :D
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Well, I do believe most of us check in at least once a week. Ofcourse most of us have a life next to playing 20 year old games, and those of us who do not are busy playing 20 year old games.. :D
Heh, I check here probably 2 - 3 times a day. Certainly whenever I'm bored and phone in hand.

I tend to keep my mouth shut unless I feel I have something worthwhile to contribute.
I check - but with so little new Wing Commander news and having been coming here for over half of my life there is little left to say.
Back when I had the time to do modding work there was more I could say - but I don't have the time now. My free time declined when entering full time employment, hit near zero once I moved to Japan and had to find a couple of hours a day for study, and now I have a sleep debt thanks to the twins.

I wish someone would get ahold of the Wing Commander rights and launch a kickstarter - then I could apply for a job and mix business with pleasure ;)
Have the CIC set as my home page, so I'm here a good half-dozen times a day. Also have a tendency not to contribute for fear of saying something truly stupid. Haven't done much on WCRPG for the last couple of months; the new workplace digs just don't inspire me like the old ones...
I, too, check in once a day...but after about more than ten years of discussing Wing Commander on these forums I just ran out of questions to ask. So I am reliant on other people creating threads to which I can contribute :). (Or at least, bask in nostalgia).

Edit: And Tech Support is not a field I can contribute to, sadly.
I usually check in once a day. Or at least I make it a point to check in a couple times a week. Sometimes theres nothing that strikes my fancy in the newer threads, so I go back to the early CZ ones and have a laugh at my own expense.
I still reload the forums constantly, but I'm no good for tech support. Now Wing Commander history on the other hand... :)
Yeah, I check the forums once or twice a day but like Pedro said, having spent so much time here, I often don't have much to say unless it's something we haven't talked about in a while.
I check regularly the forums, either to see if there are questions about stuff or post updates on the mod.
I check in almost every day! Chris and Ben have a long record of posting something new every day, so there's always something WC related to dredge up! Also, I need to build WC ships to preserve my sanity every now and again, and I really only post the results here, no other scifi websites seem to 'get it'. :P
I used to watch wcnews closely since 1998 and just like Cap said before it is my home page on every box that can connect to the Internet both in work and home. I never got the chance to start talking into the forums up until the time I decided to contribute with something useful.
There's also a number of us that are normally "in" #wingnut at various times. I leave my IRC on whenever I'm home and if someone starts chatting usually a few others will jump in.
Well I was asking what I use to edit hex numerals for the WC4 edited ship and either noone who knows that kinda stuff is here anymore or noone cares to explain. I mean it just takes a minute. :/
Well I was asking what I use to edit hex numerals for the WC4 edited ship and either noone who knows that kinda stuff is here anymore or noone cares to explain. I mean it just takes a minute. :/
The problem is there may not be anyone active who can really answer your question thoroughly. I for one am completely unqualified to answer how to hexedit ships. Our resident WC code guru has been gone for some months but I know @HCl is plugging away at something.

I'll do my best to give you at least a possible solution but I warn it may not be what helps.

Not many of us are coders or we are specialized. There are those who check-in here from time-to-time but the very nature of our forums means you have to depend on someone reading it that has something worthwhile to offer. Patience can be in short supply hoping for answers but we do what we can.

Remember, if we don't know we typically don't say squat. Just need the right eyes.


I should point out that just because you have a problem a solution may not be readily available. Check my first thread I made here under my new name:

Notice no replies?

Turns out my one chance at a solution was actually provided by @ChrisReid in #wingnut IIRC was to contact the author of the mod; @warzog

Unfortunately, he hasn't been seen around these parts since February 8th 2007. I may never get an answer and don't expect one any time soon.
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I'm planning on becoming a semi-regular here. Hanging out on a forum-board is giving me a very early 2000s feel - I used to be a regular on a forum for an abandonware site called Classic Trash back in pre-Facebook days.