Their Logic is Sound (July 21, 2006)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!

GameDaily recently published an article, Seasons of Upgrade Past, about the history of upgrading PCs to improve video games. Naturally, Wing Commander shows up quickly:
After Creative Labs stepped in, showing off their first 8-bit sound card revealing that games could not only have great-sounding music, but also voices behind the characters, there was no turning back. Games that were good before became even better with higher quality sound. Items like the voice pack for Wing Commander II: The Heart of the Tiger sold like hotcakes, ushering in a new job for video game design: The voice actor.
Wing Commander's involvement in this aspect of modern gaming was essential. The technology to play digital sounds existed long before 1991... but Vengeance of the Kilrathi was the game that made the SoundBlaster the industry standard, and then ushered in a new generation of multimedia games.

Original update published on July 21, 2006
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ace_starfighter said:
Just a note but... there is a typo here..."Wing Commander II: The Heart of the Tiger" or was it Wing Commander 2?

This is not exactly a typo. It's just a plain error. It should have read: "Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi." Think about it! Why would there be a speech pack for WC3?