The Nut-Boy Didn't Have Anything to do With it (May 8, 2000)


And that's a good thing. BarrysWorld has reviewed Starlancer, so it's stupid quote time!Frankly I'm glad that it is nothing to do with WC, in this game there's no Kilrathi or any other sort of alien spacecat menace. I lost interest in the later versions of WC I have to admit, you can only be SO menaced by cats can't you. I always had visions of the Kilrathi home world having cat flaps instead of doors and Kilrathi lawyers, shopkeepers and businessmen coughing up huge furballs and knocking back cans of Meowmix in a restaurant whilst singing "I like fish and I like liver, I like chicken in my dinner". Not very terrifying really.At least they credit Warthog... Go ahead and take a look the review if you still think it's worth your time after reading the above quote.

Original update published on May 8, 2000
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