The method of T fighting


To succeed in an attack, go on a tour of where you'll be attacking. Get all the information you can -- troop deployments, supply areas, etc. This will give you an idea of what forces you'll need.

Tell lies and gossip to inform people of "truthful" things -- like their leaders are doing horrible things -- use fake and real video recordings to verify the alleged actions. This will demoralize troops and make them less willing to fight for their leaders. Tell noisy remarks to disrupt enemy communications.

Trade with the people in the area you'll be attacking. Acquire weapons to desupply them. Trade food & water & medical supplies (that's been doped with non-lethal poison to nullify troops) for weapons.

Trick your foes into fighting decoys or other foes or to moving where you can attack their flanks and rears. Deploy decoy fleets into adjacent star systems to give the false illusion of a fleet speeding towards a homeworld. Surprise your foe.

Once you've captured the hearts of those people, turn them into your followers and against your foes.

Tools & Troops
Once your tour is complete, select the tools (like weapons, communications scramblers, etc.) and troops you'll be using to attack with. Be sure to bring enough to overwhelm the defender -- sometimes the defender will surrender if too much force is sent. More people allows for easier ability to surround a foe.

Be sure your forces are tough, else they might not survive. Use armor, shields, terrain cover, etc.

Place traps (like pit traps, mine traps, etc.) to trap foes. Use your tools & troops to trap foes in interlocking fields of fire.

Now find the most threatening target that can be neutralized the quickest -- preferably one that will put up the most defensive action, then the leader. Remember, there are leaders who will don their followers with more stuff than them to give the illusion that the followers are the leaders.

Unless you can keep track of the target(s) you won't be able to attack it. Tracking enemy movements is vital to win an attack -- it helps you find the weakness the enemy is presenting for your exploitment.

Taunt & Terrify
Taunt & terrify your target so it will have a harder time being able cope with what needs to be done, i.e., it'll get emotionally distressed.

Now that you've tracked, taunted, and terrified your target, it's time to train your weapons onto it. Sometimes it's best not to really open fire once you've targeted & tracked a target -- the target might surrender if it sees enough weapons trained on it. This tactic helps to prevent the unwanted "T" of attacking -- "trigger" happiness.

Once you've decided that the target you've trained on needs to be thrashed, thrash it! Try not to utterly desroy an opponent. Crippled units make great stressors for enemy commanders -- they'll probably care to help them out and send help that you can ambush. Crippled units give targets the idea that you'll show mercy and they'll be more inclined to surrender and their will to fight might lessen. Crippled units also are great for the last part of T fighting, take & trash.

Take & Trash
Take what's left over of your opposing force that you can like prisoners, crippled units, blown apart parts, etc., and trash what you can't take.

When you're triumphant, deploy victory signs.