the current state of the kilrathi empire

Wolf Dog said:
I really don't think anyone from the Kiranka clan would have the best claim to the throne. If memory serves, they are actually lower born than the Ki'ra clan, and surely took the brunt of the distruction at Kilrah.
Not neccessarly. A lot of the cats might "dislike" Thrak, but not neccessarly the whole Kiranka clan. And yes, the Ki'ra are suposedly of purer blood, but that doesn't mean jack at this point. They would have to take over the empire by force, just like Kiranka did during the last civil war, they can't just claim it.

Also, wouldn't the Kilrathi need a scapegoat, and the Emperor and Thrak, now dead, along with the Kiranka clan as a whole, would probably be it.
Weather the Kilrathi want a scapegoar or not doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure there still are plenty of people who are loyal to the Kiranka clan. And Muragh being the only cousin of Thraks left, would be the next in line to be the emperor.

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited October 13, 2000).]
Well, I'm sure the Kiranka clan will install a new Emperor, but I doubt that most of the higher clans would actually recognize it. The distruction of Kilrah was a giant shift in power, and the Kilrathi can only coexist amongst each other when they can channel their hostility outward. Although they still wage war with the Conferdation along the frontier, I would think they would also be openly fighting amonst each other for territory and influence. Of course, the ultimate goal for each clan would be to reunite the Kilrathi under them. I would think that the Kiranka would be at a tremendous disadvantage here. The Kilrathi as a whole can't be too happy with the outcome of the war, and with the Kilrathi loyalty to their clans, the discontent with the leadership of the Kiranka would probably trickle down, at least a little.

To clarify my ramblings, what I mean is, aren't the Kilrathi IN a civil war right now, and the Ki'ra, being of purest blood, are the most likely to gain support of the other clans against the Kiranka.

[This message has been edited by Wolf Dog (edited October 13, 2000).]
Wolf Dog said:
The distruction of Kilrah was a giant shift in power, and the Kilrathi can only coexist amongst each other when they can channel their hostility outward.
True, but for now they'll have to fight. The only way for the Kilrathi to coexist with each other at this point, is that Muragh, with the support of Confed will become the new emperor, get together all the clans that recognize the Confederation as equals and wouldn't mind working with them against the Nephilim threat.

I would think that the Kiranka would be at a tremendous disadvantage here. The Kilrathi as a whole can't be too happy with the outcome of the war, and with the Kilrathi loyalty to their clans, the discontent with the leadership of the Kiranka would probably trickle down, at least a little.
The failure in the T-K war isn't entirelly Thraks or his grand dady's fault though. There are plenty of other military leaders that were very supportive of Kiranka, and made some prety stupid mistakes mistakes during the conflict.

To clarify my ramblings, what I mean is, aren't the Kilrathi IN a civil war right now, and the Ki'ra, being of purest blood, are the most likely to gain support of the other clans against the Kiranka.
Yes they are. But right now, it'll most likelly be every clan for itself. I don't think any clan would support some other clans, because they would later argue about power and control.

I think that Confed might support Muragh, because he knows from experience that Kilrathi and Confeds can work together, and it would certainly be an advantage for the Confederation to have a someone that could possibly unite the Kilrathi with Confed, someone that's not as hot-blooded as Thrak.