the current state of the kilrathi empire


what's the new homeworld? or should i say captial,whos in charge melek or murragh(thraks cousin)?
I think the new Capital is in a system called Pasqual.

If we must die, may our backs be to the wall, dying but fighting back!

-SuicideKing (taken from Claude Mcay's If we must die)
Most kilrathi died when kilrah exploded. the black lance used bio weopons on them. and the Aliens killed all what's left of them so there won't be much left of them
Err, no, Maverick -- Kilrah was one of thousands of Kilrathi planets. Although a lot of people died when it was destroyed, it was nowhere near enough to wipe out an entire species. The only place the Project used bio weapons on was the Border Worlds colony Telamon -- although they did attack a Kilrathi convoy. IIRC, Pasqual is just a planet Melek was going to, and not the new capitol.
What about the aliens they killed or kidnapped everything around kilrah. Still some colonies have survived but it won't be many
The rest of the colonies they did't hear about only eloy. and i assume the aliens where smart and spread out over the kirah sector (and kill everything they saw)
Eh, it would be imposible for the bugs to spread out all over the Kilrah sector, not to mention other sectors that belong to Kilrathi. The bugs, I dare say killed less Kilrathi than what was killed on Kilrah, and the fleet that surouned it.

Like LOAF mentioned few times already. The Kilrathi, just like Confed have thousands colonies over the sectors their control. Some of them could very well be very large colonies.
Actually, I think most of their fleet did survive, as it was spread out across the border. The Imperial Guard may have been decimated, but not necessarily. Anyway, they most likely lost quite a bit of ships just by fighting amongst themselves.
One thing`s for sure, their manufacturing of ships capability, was greatly reduced.
The fleet lost around Kilrah was massive, but it definetly wasn't a more than one fourth of their fleet. The Confederation lost about 70% of it's fleet at McAuliffe, and still managed to hold against the Kilrathi. There are plenty of Kilrathi warlords in what's left of the empire, and they have plenty of ships. Ragark from FC got his self a dreadnough for God's sake. That ship didn't have a counter in Confed and could go against several capital ships at the same time. There still were heavy carriers left somewhere on the borders, just like the ex-Karga, and there are plenty of Kilrathi warriors who are seriously pissed off. Right now they'll be fighting for the imperial throne (actually I think it'd be pretty cool that on random ocasions Kilrathi fighting each otehr would pop out, and sometimes attack you but usually stay neutral, in the next game. That is if there will be a next game
) and it'd be many years before they'll atempt to take on the Confed again. Second, now that the bugs showed up, they will weaken the Confeds before they'll finally defeated.

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited October 12, 2000).]
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uhhuh and there were a great deal of war ships dimantled after the terran/kilrathi war

When I'm in the air...
I'm indestructible.
No one can stop me...
But they try.
twist·er (twstr)

1. One that twists, as in the manufacture of rope or yarn.
2. Sports. A ball thrown or batted with a twist.
3. Informal.
A. A cyclone.
B. A tornado.
4. Confed pilot, hero of the kilrathi war, renowned fleet admiral.
Mad Hatter said:
Actually, I think most of their fleet did survive, as it was spread out across the border. The Imperial Guard may have been decimated, but not necessarily. Anyway, they most likely lost quite a bit of ships just by fighting amongst themselves.
One thing`s for sure, their manufacturing of ships capability, was greatly reduced.

Do the Kilrathi still have an Imperial Guard? I wouldn't expect them to have one as they aren't united behind a emperor, to my knowlegde, at this time. Although, with the Kiranka clan taking a serious hit on Kilrah, you would think the Ki'ra clan would have asserted itself very quickly.
I know little from the novels, but I'm just wondering the fighters from WC4 and the corvettes from WCP, would these be 'rogue' Kilrathi? Perhaps not Melek's entourage, but I do recall Hawk and Maniac whinging about having to work with the "Cult of Sivar"
In WC4, I would think that the Kilrathi we see are forces of the Kiranka clan, of which it would appear Melek is now the baron. No book knowledge here though sadly. I own them all, but have only found time to read about half.
Melek proclaimed himself a chancelor, and basicly took over the empire (or at least the parts that would want peace at that time) after Thrak, but only untill the fight for the new empire started. There's nothing to indicate from which clan the Kilrathi we see in WC4 are.
Well, if it doesn't say one way or the other in the book, I would assume Kiranka if they take orders from Melek. However, the Sihkag and Kurutak clans, since they have the lowest blood, would also be likely hail to his nobility, since his presence alone would probably honor them. I think you can pretty much rule out Ki'ra. If Melek gave them much of a chance, he'd almost certainly be assassinated.
Uh, just because they take orders from Melek, doesn't mean anything. Like I said, after Kilrah blew up, Melek was prety important, even though he was just Thraks lackey. He surendered the empire, or at least the parts of the empire that wanted to surrender, to Blair, and he was the one dealing with Confed. Assasinating Melek would still be against the Kilrathi believes. Besides, it doesn't appear that Melek is someone worth assasinating.

Now that Muragh is back, and could possibly have some support from Confed or the Landreich, he's not the only surviving cousin of Thraks, therefore with the best claim for the throne, but he could have support from major interstelar powers.

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited October 12, 2000).]
I really don't think anyone from the Kiranka clan would have the best claim to the throne. Of course, not having read FC I don't have your info. If memory serves, they are actually lower born than the Ki'ra clan, and surely took the brunt of the distruction at Kilrah. Also, wouldn't the Kilrathi need a scapegoat, and the Emperor and Thrak, now dead, along with the Kiranka clan as a whole, would probably be it.

[This message has been edited by Wolf Dog (edited October 13, 2000).]