The Bloodfang


Does anyone have any information on the official WC line on the Bloodfang Mk2 - was it a one off, production, or limited production run fighter?
The Bloodfang was Thrakhath's personal fighter, there were two types made, the prototype from wc2 and the mass produced version in wc3. From Fleet Tactics (I know it isnt a canon source, but best I could find atm) "The Bloodfang series of super-heavy fighters has a long-deserved reputation of being the nastiest class of fighters the Kilrathi military ever put into service. This fighter is specifically made for use by Prince Thrakhath nar Kiranka, the Kilrathi's Supreme Commander and their finest ace pilot. There are no exploitable weaknesses of this fighter, the Bloodfang has it all: speed, agility, shielding, armor, weaponry. The alleged prototype that Colonel Christopher Blair encountered in 2667 is rumored to be the second-generation Bloodfang, but was determined that only one aircraft of it existed. In 2669, the Bloodfang was finally pressed into limited mass production. For more information on this dangerous space fighter, see the 2669 edition Bloodfang."

And the WC3 verson:
"The mass-production variant of Prince Thrakhath’s personal custom fighter, the Bloodfang super-heavy fighter is the most feared space superiority fighter the Kilrathi possess. While the Kilrathi Vaktoth heavy fighter already outclassed the Terran Thunderbolt VII in terms of raw power, the newest variant Bloodfang could make any other fighter in space look like an underpowered pregnant space pig and an under-armed gnat. Intel has determined that while the Bloodfang has seen limited mass-production, only the most elite of the Drakhai Imperial Guard are allowed to pilot this fighter. It is also common knowledge that Lord Thrakhath himself flies a customized version of this fighter. As it stands, only our new Excalibur fighter has any chance of winning against a Bloodfang."
Here's a history that makes a little more sense:

I've never really bought the "prototype" idea -- because it would have been a "prototype" version for about fifteen years. (Plus, we know there's at least one other -- the one that crash landed outside Britain;))
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Bandit LOAF said:
Plus, we know there's at least one other -- the one that crash landed outside Britain;))

Prince Thrakhath after pickup at end of WC 2: Bah, I'll kill that Blair guy sooner or later...

Other Kilrathi: Don't worry mylord. Here, have a drink. :gives Thrakhath a drink:

Thrakhath: Nevermind. Give me the other bloodfang!

Other kilrathi: Um, sorry my lord, but one of the drakhai took it out for a spin, and then he kinda crashed on a primitive human controlled planet and was eaten by a peasant...

Thrakhath: What's the matter with those ships?! Make sure that the next bloodfang is at least *somewhat* flyable. Well, i guess i should tell grandfather that his guards are being eaten by human peasants... I don't think he'll like that, I don't think he'll like that at all... We'll just tell him that that blair guy nailed him, okay?
Fruitcake said:
Bah, sadly, Thrakhath was an incompetent pilot.

Please stop being stupid Fruit-man... He's incompetent the same way as ALL THE PILOTS IN WC1 AND 2. He's one of the kilrathi's best pilots. The only reason why some in those enemies was harder than other was because of their ships and minimal AI differenses, Much like in freespace.
Dyret said:
Please stop being stupid Fruit-man... He's incompetent the same way as ALL THE PILOTS IN WC1 AND 2. He's one of the kilrathi's best pilots. The only reason why some in those enemies was harder than other was because of their ships and minimal AI differenses, Much like in freespace.

I've heard of nothing Thrakhath's exploits in a fighter that impresses me. Sure, every Kilrathi says he's a hotshot, but do we ever see him shoot down a Confed fighter?