The BL HQ in Axius

i think they send in a strikeforce to take 'm out.

"Just close your eyes and pretend it's Wing Commander"
Do you have any suggestions to where to put it?

Personally... I can't think of any other places to place it. Do you?

Considering everything that has happened after Wing Commander IV (which is the time period BL plays on), I can't think of another place to have it.

But remember.... the BLS Krakatoa is where the main action takes place (considering I'm its new Engineer >:P).
The last time I checked.... Capital Ships DID move..... (just very slowly ;P)

Member of BlackLance HQ

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
Considering the base probably masses many hundreds of thousands of tonnes, and definitely wasn't given any propulsion method (beyond maybe stationkeeping thrusters), it wouldn't be worth the hassle.

Besides, given it's previous use (as the Black Lance HQ), Confed continuing to use it would be a public relations disaster. Likewise using the Dragon.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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Why? So it can be the first casualty of the war. Besides Tal'q Naval Station was close enough to monitor the Kilrah System without getting destroyed in a preemptive strike.
I don't think CONFED would scrap Axius. It was not only a military base but an R & D base also. It is a valuable military resource. Confed did not have the money to waste. At the moment I can think of a parallel example. In WWII, the Germans had a test facility in E. Germany know as Penumende. This is the place where the V-1 and V-2s were developed and some of the Early ME-262 tests conducted. When Germany fell both the USSR and the E. Germans continued to use the facility for R & D and also for live weapons fire training for Eastern German pilots.
Axius was a military facility and its locale made a valuable resource to the CONFED.

Founder of the Blacklance HQ
I bet it's still there, probably being used as an R & D station, to see if they can discover an even cheaper manufacturing process for fighters and starships

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
Confed still supporting the Black Lance

Yeah, that'll sound good as the intro soundbite of a special report on TCN Nightly News...

Besides, after the public airing-out of Confed's 'dirty laundry' (so to speak) in Tolwyn's trial, what makes you think Axius would remain a secret?

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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There is another point that is bothering me:
What happened to the remains of the BL troops? As Tolwyn stated in the end of TPoF (in his thoughts before his suicide, that is) there are still some of them hiding out.

turns around checking his back

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Which brings me to another point.
In TPOF Maniac said he was there... for what? its a desert place nothing to do there then... what?

And maybe they are using that place for new Fighter testing?

[This message has been edited by Zero (edited January 12, 2000).]
If they decided to scrap it, then it's probably being used as a targeting range for fighters and capital ships.

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
Death says:

Confed still supporting the Black Lance

Yeah, that'll sound good as the intro soundbite of a special report on TCN Nightly News...

Death, who said anything about them still supporting the BL? Just because they use the base, doesn't mean that they are continuing to develop the Genetic Enhancement, flashpack, or the Gen-Select. Anyway, its anyones guess, because OSI isn't saying a damn thing, so I don't see how anyone's opinions can be considered wrong, no matter how far off they may seem. Remember, OSI had a reputation of doing things that seemed far off, but worked out in the end.

Member of the Blacklance HQ
HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
When I'm in the cockpit, Knight never falls.
I didn't say that Confed would be supporting the BL by continuing to use the Axius base. But you can bet that if there's a way for a reporter to misinterpret something to make the military/government look bad (particularly with the martial law that's still in effect, as per the WC4 novel), it's a pretty safe bet they'll find it, and make it the front-page news (or a special report, for TV-type stuff).

(The bold text was to make it more like a newspaper headline. I suppose I should've used quotation marks to indicate it being a quote.)

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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Nighthawk- The remains of the Black Lance was hunted down and destroyed by combined Confed/Border Worlds forces. Contrary to some beliefs, there wasnt 87 billion Dragons(Yeah, exaggeration, I know) but only around 40 or so. The UBW captured some during WC4, and the rest were destroyed in combat. LOAF can probably give additional details/correct any mistakes I made in here.

"Building ships, harvesting and transporting Flowers, cooking up the Protoculture, and assembling weapons systems just hadn't been enough for them. Not when word had gotten around that the Terrans' homeworld had fallen to the Invid. Jack liked it-the loyalty and Espirit de Corps, the Sentinels' way with payback." -- Robotech: The Sentinels #5, 'Rubicon'
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About the Dragons, BW got 10 of them when they captured the Black Lance transport in the game, or the Confed Carrier in Speradon, and other 10 were destroyed in the Confed space station in Speradon. That leaves only 20 for the Black Lance.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Yes, there was some talk about them not having enough fighters in the WC4 novel, maybe they could have destroyed the Intrepid if they had more fighters.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Did you see that shipyard building Bearcats? I don't think with the ability to put out expensive ships like the interceptor and the Veuvius Heavy carriers just after the war, it's so much a question of having enough ships as much as being able to deploy them to trouble spots. is too bad that the other WCP script was not used for it shows that Axius is still being used.

We don't know the exact number of Dragons and where they were actually constructed.
I wouldn't be surprised if...

Founder of the Blacklance HQ
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