Technical Issues


Not sure if this is the proper place to put this, but anyway...

1st off... I need to pick my jaw up off the floor from the quality of most of this work. Unfortunately there are still a few problems. The biggest of these is that the fiction viewer doesnt work apparently... it runs and lets me select my pilot but past that I can do nothing. No fiction, no passwords, just a blank screen during the mission select, and the same problem occurs when I download the "seperate" fiction viewer.

The rest seem to be system-specific and Im working those out in rapid fasion. Great work!
Yes, I've just run across this problem myself. I believe that the installer does not add the viewer to the registry, which is why the viewer cannot find any of the fiction files.

It had to happen, you know - a perfect release would have been too much to hope for :p. Anyway, we are working on this issue. For now, you can simply download the separate version of the viewer from the downloads page - that one should work fine, but the fiction for the very last mission is slightly out of date in that version (nothing big, though). It may be necessary to run it from the start bar rather than through the launcher, though.
The "registry script" is apparently invalid with that one.

Running under 98SE, going to check it under 2k in a few minutes.

Also, in mission 8 it seems like the Dauntless has shields extending almost 2 shiplengths out (thats Dauntless shiplengths out) in several random directions... is that new with my system or is that a part of the model that I havent noticed before?
For some reason, WCP is allergic to foreign models, Chernikov - there are almost always collision tree problems of some sort with capships (but of course, the original WCP/SO capships had some collision tree problems too).

...Mission 8? Wow, you sure are in a hurry :p.

As for the passwords, they determine the fiction that you get, just like in SO.
Originally posted by Chernikov
The "registry script" is apparently invalid with that one.
I despise Windows' registry. No matter how much I cull from it, it always seems to grow. :(

Originally posted by Quarto
but of course, the original WCP/SO capships had some collision tree problems too.
I don't remember having any problems with collisions. Or do you mean original capships in UE?

Originally posted by Filler
Someone's been using invul...
Pfft, if you're going to cheat, why not disable collisions instead? ;) But if I had UE now, I'd probably want to get through it in a hurry as well, before my exams come up. :eek:
Originally posted by Wedge009
I don't remember having any problems with collisions. Or do you mean original capships in UE?
No, I mean the original WCP/SO capships. The rear turrets on the Orca, for example, were always a pain to remove, because they were only shootable from some angles. These problems are more visible with UE capships, but it's difficult to say why - the models look right, so obviously the meshes are fine. Yet, the collision trees (which use the same meshes) are screwy...
Ok, I've been trying to figure out the fiction viewer problem.

Here's how it goes - it doesn't matter where you actually install the fiction viewer. The problem is the registry - until the fiction viewer is in the registry, it simply won't know where the missions are.

On this computer (running XP), I've tried the following - I installed the UE package into the SO directory. At this point, the fiction viewer works, but can't find the missions. I then opened up the file, and added viewer.reg to the registry (by double-clicking it). I didn't take anything else from This seems to work - now, when you run the viewer, it can find the missions. Of course, unless you know what you're doing with the system registry, you probably won't be able to uninstall it properly.

A sidenote about the operating system - don't even bother trying it under 2000, it won't work (well, the fiction viewer might, but the game itself won't). Same goes for NT. All other systems are fair game, though ;).
That sounds about right, WCP/SO has trouble in XP unless it's running in compatibility mode. But there's very little we can do about that :p.

As for not being able to run 32-bit... I have no idea what the problem could be. It might have to do with you graphics card, though.
Yeah, the cause of your troubles in 32-bit mode are most likely your graphics card: while developing the 32-bit patch i tried it in 3 or 4 cards i had around and i couldn't make it work with a few of the older ones. If you post the error message you're getting, and the model of the card you have, i'll try to look into it and give you more information based on that (i use a 32mb TNT2
and it seems to work well for me btw)

I'm having problems

Okay, I just downloaded and installed UE and I'm getting some problems running it. Every now and again the game crashes with a "An exception (access violation) has occurred in module at .text + 00035475 in Win32 application wcue".

I'm running W2k and have a direct shortcut to wcue.exe with Windows 95 compatability enabled. I've turned off sound acceleration to help the cutscenes but still get this message rather commonly.
Prophecy can. Secret Ops will not.

Also, I should point out that the fiction viewer apparently doesn't like systems that are running dual monitors. It tries to center the program between the two, which makes it unreadable. The only solution I could come up with was temporarily disabling my second monitor. (Even after doing that, I still run into the problem of no fiction being available for reading.)
HCL <<

message i get when i dont use compatability mode is hte generic 'program has done something bad' message.

is i use 32 bit it says : GL_d3d_5::createZBuffer attach failed 87
(for both compatability on and off cases)

i have an ATI 9700 pro video card.
