So...this XBOX 360 thing...


I want one...

What is YOUR XBOX 360 setup?
What have you bought that was not very useful...what have you bought that WAS useful...what's your current wish list for XBOX 360 stuff?

Ok, really it's that there's so many different things in the various marketplaces that I don't know where to start...:o

XBOX 360 Core...Pro...Value...Elite...etc.? Controllers...battery packs? Quick Charger? Corded charger/play cable? Wireless Adapter? hard drives? bundled packages on the market right now?
Don't buy the core or arcade editions unless you are really low on cash. All the rest are probably worth their price. I got a premium bundle with a game, two wireless controlers, batteries, play and charge kit, some points and 3 months of live gold. I don't think anything wasn't worth it. The only consideration would have been if I was never ever going to play two player on the same system. With the elite you get a bigger harddrive and HDMI. If you plan on purchasing a lot of downloadable content that might be important to you. If I had a quick charge kit I'm not sure how often I would bother with the play and charge kit.

I would definitely consider getting a wireless headset if I played on live more.
Premium here, too. I'd probably go for an Elite if I had to buy a new one right now. Wireless controllers are a must have IMHO, and while I have a non-wireless headset (which I use next to never), I would, for obvious reasons, definitely prefer the Quick Charge kit over the corded one. Although batteries work for me, being the casual player I have become. ;)

I also got myself a WLAN adapter and 12 months of live gold, along with some 6,000 M$P, and I bought one of those cheap tiny USB keyboards. (Today I'd rather buy the Messenger Kit...) Oh, and I'm still ogling with a wireless racing wheel. That's about it.
Premium here as well. I have 2 wireless controllers as well as the rechargeable setup. I need to get a wireless headset as the basic xbox one leaves a bit to be desired.
Saturday I bought a Premium. It came with 1 wireless controller, wired headset, 20 gig hd. Also came with some sort of Marvel Comics game and Forza bundled into one case (Full versions). The harddrive contained about 15 Xbox Live Arcade games, and a handful of videos. Along with that, I picked up Halo 3, Oblivion, and the Orange Box. Now if only I had something faster than dialup . . .
I have a Premium one as well and bought one additional wireless controller for 2-Player-games, as well as the RGB cable (I have no HDTV). I have to say I think the official XBox products are severely overpriced, so I didn't buy a WLan adpater, the 5 metre LAN cable is just enough to connect to my router. I bought a normal battery recharger that came with six rather strong rechargable batteries which cost me less than the Quick charge kit and gave me more rechargable batteries I can use in almost any device.
Ok, really it's that there's so many different things in the various marketplaces that I don't know where to start...

Hey, you're that person from the article in the update last week.

Don't buy the core or arcade editions unless you are really low on cash.

And if you're that low on cash, don't get an XBox at all. Just start with a Premium or Elite and whatever games you like, and you'll have everything you need. After that all the other accessories will make sense and you'll know whether you want them or not shortly thereafter.
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Just start with a Premium or Elite and whatever games you like, and you'll have everything you need. After that all the other accessories will make sense and you'll know whether you want them or not shortly thereafter.

That sounds reasonable...

I just got a bit confused by, where they've go "Go Pro" value packages and you apparently cannot order Elite consoles anymore...and then BestBuy and CircuitCity didn't help either...


I think I'll do the reasonable thing... go to a few stores (eek! real people!? ew!)
It looks like the Elite is sold out at Amazon, and I haven't seen many in stores lately either. Like other people have said, it's a black system that includes the larger hard drive for $100 more (plus HDMI, if you don't get a Premium with the HDMI out).

The "Pro" is just a Premium with two free games, which is the standard holiday bundle everywhere should have now.

I would personally get an Elite if I were starting from scratch, but I've never actually needed the extra hard drive space.
I'm also old enough to be patient... if I get a stack of gift cards, I'm prepared to wait a month or two and see if the one I want gets back in stock
I'm also old enough to be patient... if I get a stack of gift cards, I'm prepared to wait a month or two and see if the one I want gets back in stock

I don't see what age has to do with it. If you have time to play now, I'd get one now and save the certifcates for the next thing. Is the one you want the Elite? If not, there's no reason to wait. The holiday bundle on the Premium is a limited time thing.
I've just got all the basic stuff. Harddrive, wireless thingy, headset, my controller isn't wireless but I don't really care about that. All I have on my Xbox wishlist is more games. I still have yet to play Bioshock. Mass Effect was hella fun though.
Well after 10 months of use my 360 got the RoD this afternoon. Box is already on the way. Ugh, not exactly the best time of year for this to happen.

Damn it.
Sorry to read that.

I have to sent in mine as, well though for me, it's only a blocked dvd tray (happened thursday when the first of three new games I bought arrived). Frosty's comments on the repair/exchange system weren't very reassuring.

I have a friend who get the RRoD. Since he tinkered with the XBox he didn't want to send it in but a nearby store installed some sort of coolant system. It cost him 50 € but he could take it home after 2 hours and it works like a charm.
I guess the arcade version could be a quick fix. If all you planned on saving is game data you could get a 1 gig memory card that SD makes and is compatible with 360 (or so they advertise it as being). I suppose if you were the only person playing and all you did was use it for saved games... that might last you a little while.... of course personally i'd just go with the 20 gig HDD.
The problem is that there isn't a *huge* difference in price between the memory card and the hard drive... so it's not so much a matter of price on that point.

Memory card vs. hard drive is more a question of portability (carry your memory card with you easily, stick it in any Xbox and voila there's your profile) versus storage... I'm not some crazy video downloading crazy guy, but I've certainly used up a goodly portion of my 20 gigs already.

Heck, I'm looking at downloading a 4 gig Tomb Raider update as we speak...
And even the XBox hard drive is relatively portable. I've taken one on an airplane to bring my savegames to ace's house before I got a memory card. Doesn't help if you're trying to do some sort of coop play (though you can download profiles), but just one more reason why the hard drive-less XBoxes don't make sense.