SO Fiction

Lord Hhallas

I have recently purchased Wing Commander Prophecy Gold! (yay me). It told me to read the fiction on the SO site. I have doen this, but this is a pain in the ass. Is there any source I can find a compilation of all the secret ops fiction? Thanks

[Edited by TC on 05-10-2001 at 23:27]
Wow... finding the SO episode files on the internet's pretty illegal. SO was only given away free for a limited time. If you didn't download it then, the only way to legally obtain it is through Prophecy Gold.. I'm glad you purchased the game rather than downloading it illegally.

You either have to view the fiction online or download it all (page by page).


[Edited by TC on 05-10-2001 at 23:28]
Ack! Are you a mod now, TC?

Anyway, that's what I had to do with the fiction, but didn't someone make a neat little set of links to the fiction for the CIC (including the winning/losing path fiction)?
Fiction D'load

For a quicker way have a look at
You can find my offline fiction package there.
I also added a package with all missing fiction files recently.
Thanks all, I have what I need. No more endless seconds waiting for the page to load. now all I need is for Chris roberts to make some more WC cause I just burned through SO and I need more..........
Yes, I realize this, but it just ain't the same w/o him, and he did say that he'd like to revisting WC, so, I am eternally hopeful for another "hit".
Originally posted by Lord Hhallas
Thanks all, I have what I need. No more endless seconds waiting for the page to load. now all I need is for Chris roberts to make some more WC cause I just burned through SO and I need more..........

Halcyon Sun is pretty nice. No WC game however.
You can get it for 'free'(*) even.
Nice game overall. Nothing too special however. Story is quite nice though.

(*) You need to answer a lot of polls and give an e-mail. Also episode 1 has some ads in game IIRC
Nothing is WC these days...

Originally posted by KrisV
He's grateful for the hours of enjoyment Origin has given us, something a lot more people should be.
So are most of us... else we wouldn't be here discussing it.