Site update, theme available


Mr. Standoff
I've finally had time to update our website to include all the latest changes and additions which have been posted here on the forums for the past few weeks. As an added bonus, the site's files section now has a download link to Standoff's Theme, composed by Michael Mahadeen who you undoubtedly all remember from UE. So head over there and check it out. :)
I just like that progress page. So much blue!

BTW, slight correction about what Eder said in the news - as a matter of fact, those 659 voiceovers are just the Episode 1 stuff (although obviously, a lot of these comms will be used by pilots in later episodes too). I've also received lots of stuff for the later episodes as well, but I haven't started converting those yet.
Yes and no - it's not the battle music, but yes, the last part of the theme is supposed to have a very martial feel to it, and will be used in such circumstances. Not necessarily in the missions, however. For the mission music (at least in the prologue - we hope to have a bit more variety in this department later) we're using WC2 music. For some reason, it fits right in :p.

Woo, 3,000th Standoff post :D.