Site update, new character


Unknown Enemy
Eder's just updated the website. Mostly the update was just to bring the screenshots page up to date with all of those screenshots we'd been posting in the past week. However, we've also used this opportunity to put up another character profile.

Today's character is Commodore Reismann, the guy that tells you what to do in the main campaign. We've put a lot of work in to make him look like his comm VDU pic in Privateer... and failed miserably, because our Reismann is not tiny, low-res and green, which is probably for the best :p.

In other news, as we mention on the news page, Michael's just finished a really great piece of music for us, the Standoff theme. As is usually the case with themes, this piece will probably not be used as a single piece anywhere in the game - but at the same time, it's the most important piece of music, because all the other musical pieces will be based around it.

...Except the Prologue cutscenes. Their fate will be different, and you'll have to wait and see to find out :cool:. The Prologue cutscenes, by the way, are what Michael is working on now, and they are (apart from the voiceovers) the last major piece of work needed before the Prologue is done.

Also in the news, all the Prologue fiction is now finished, and I've started working on the Episode 2 (the first episode of the main campaign) fiction.

Oh, and one other thing worth adding. This week, I've spend a considerable amount of time playtesting our Episode 2 missions. This may sound like shameless propaganda (because that's what it is ;)), but I have to say, these missions are really, really great fun :cool:.
I've updated the site's picture to replace Sad Reismann with I-Wanna-Kill-You Reismann. Fits the character better.
It don't get worse than
Eder said:
I've updated the site's picture to replace Sad Reismann with I-Wanna-Kill-You Reismann. Fits the character better.

Is it just me or does all of the characters look better?
Some of them, yes. Or, to be more specific, Freyers will. Reismann will also appear on a few special occasions (like when you spectacularly win - or fail - an especially important mission).

Originally, we wanted all the special wingmen to show their faces in comm VDUs (like WC3 & 4), but this caused problems, so we ended up with WCP-style covered faces for all. We're still experimenting in search for a (feasible) way of using those others, but I wouldn't count on it.
There's also faces that won't appear on the site, but will appear in comm VDUs (generic comm officers, ang people who neither wear helmets nor are important to the story, in general - like civilians, etc.).
No. You'll hear from him in a few email messages, but that's all. Terrell is responsible for the entire Gemini Sector (he's a four-star Admiral - Tolwyn, meanwhile, has only one star), so he couldn't very well leave Gemini and go off to Sol with the Firekka, especially since the Navy in Gemini has always had more problems than just the Kilrathi.
You'll be seeing his name so much you will be glad you don't see any more of him. :p

But yeah, the Firekka is supposed to be Gemini's only operational "carrier" at the time of the bombing... the largest ship from Terrell's Fleet that gets to participate in the BoT... and there's a limit to how many starts you can cram into a CVE. :p