

Avenging Rooster
How is the scaling of Standoff being made? I mean, will a 33-meter fighter actually look 30 times smaller than the Concordia (987 meters)?

Bad scales is one thing that bothered me a lot in WC1-WC4. Specially in WC1 and WC2. I know Origin did their best with their early 1990s technology, but I´d really like to be amazed by the Concordia´s size in Standoff.

BTW, isn´t "Concordia" the best name for a spaceship, ever? I think it´s just as cool or even cooler than "Enterprise".
Don't worry, the scaling will be alright, right Eder? :)

With 3d ships it's much easier than with 2d sprites. BTW waht's wrong with WC3 and WC4's scaling? It was ok.
Originally posted by Lynx
BTW waht's wrong with WC3 and WC4's scaling? It was ok.

Nothing, other than the fact that it's wrong. The fighters are scaled properly to each other and the normal sized capships are scaled properly to each other. The capships are not scaled to the fighters properly, and the insanely large capships aren't scaled to anything, really.
Everything in Standoff is scaled proportionally to everything else (I'm using 1 meter = 0.94 WCP units, I got this from one of the WCP ships)... so the Concordia will really be 987 meters long. More importantly, the Hakagas will be 1580 meters long :)

Keeping everything to scale was pretty much a necessity, otherwise fighters wouldn't fit inside the hangars of the ships they're supposed to launch from/land in (thus screwing up take off and landing scenes).

The ship that really makes me glad to have everything in scale is the Broadsword, though. Those things look *totally* fearsome.

Why 0.94 and what are "units"? WCP's internal measurement?

Also, I'm sure it'll be nice to see the Broadsword to scale, but doesn't that just mean a bigger, even easier target?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Also, I'm sure it'll be nice to see the Broadsword to scale, but doesn't that just mean a bigger, even easier target?

which is just one more reason i'm glad we won't fly them
I absolutely love the Broadsword. My favorite heavy bomber. Ever. In terms of big bad ship with guns everywhere, it takes the cake. Sure, it's a little on the slow side, but from what I remember of WC2, it's much more manuverable than the Devestator (confed's newest heavy bomber), and it's turrets make sure it can't be hit from any angle. Also - remember, it's firepower needs to be compared to other WC2 era ships. While the Devestator has a massively better missile loadout, so does every ship in WCP compared to WC2. To keep it's weaponry in it's timeline, this bomber can do some serious damage.
Hey, I liked the Broadsword too, but I just remember that while the player's Broadsword could take loads of punishment, the Mandarin's Broadswords were pieces of cake. Of course, the difference was programmed in, but the ease with which I blew them up, it would be even easier had they been to scale in SO2.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Why 0.94 and what are "units"? WCP's internal measurement?
Yep. The original WCP ships' lengths, when measured in the game's unit system, are most of the time a bit smaller than their lengths in meters. I don't recall which ship I got the 0.94 from, but it doesn't matter... even if WCP used slightly different multipliers for different ships, I'm always using the same 0.94 in Standoff.

Originally posted by Wedge009
Also, I'm sure it'll be nice to see the Broadsword to scale, but doesn't that just mean a bigger, even easier target?
Yes :)
That's a downside to the ship we didn't have to deal with so much in the sprite-based games. I can tell you one thing as well... an actual 36m long fully 3D Raptor SUCKS big time. The guns are spaced too far apart (We'll be adding a convergence system, though) and she is one hell of a big target as well.

Originally posted by Eder
The guns are spaced too far apart (We'll be adding a convergence system, though) and she is one hell of a big target as well.
Convergence... bio-convergence? :eek:
I don't think we should do anything about the ship's size. It's supposed to be 36 meters long... if it sucks, well, tough luck :p

Nah, there's no need to balance the Raptor that much. ;) Apart from the sim, she'll only show up for two or three missions, never flown by the player.

Hey, I wish I could fit the damned thing inside a CVE too :p

Of course, if you take the Raptor against WC1 ships, it is still the king... The problems are that a) the wingtip guns are useless until HCl can patch this up and b) most WC2 ships can give the Raptor (and any other WC1 ship) a run for it's money.

The positive side to this, of course, is that most Kilrathi fighters in Standoff are also from WC1 :p

HHmm......I compare the old Raptor with the 2669 Thunderbolt.I think that an 2668 Raptor would be just like the ThunderBolt.A big heavy Fighter ,modified with a Torpedo or two.There was no need for torps back in 2654 but at about 2668 the Terrans should modify their Heavy ships to have a Torp.....

I think flying the Standoff Raptor will be just like flying a Thunderbolt....Well..maybe Raptor has less guns,less missles,no rear gun....Hm....looks like its not the same afterall :D
Oh yeah, the Standoff Raptor carries a pair of torpedoes, together with most of the original WC1 loadout.

All ships have had their torpedo loadouts doubled, since in WC2 one torpedo was enough to kill mostly any capship, but in the Vision engine you obviously need at least two, three in most cases.

And thats more correct.With the vision engine I mean.....I think that it was a mistake the 1 Torp that kills a hole ship in Wc2 ,Wc3,Wc4.Thats cause of the the real universe ,they could destoy maybe with a good shot a Cap ship with a single torp ,but not always