Rebel Galaxy Outlaw!

Howard Day

Random art guy.
Not got much to say, or that I *can* say, but I just have to share something, cause I have no self control. Also, because I think it's cool, and at least somewhat relevant to Wing Commander-y interests.
Still no announcement of name or release date - but we recently went through a couple of weeks of polishing and I'm completely stoked with how it's looking.
Great to see you guys still kicking! Is from this Wings of St Nazaire or is this a separate project? Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while.
This looks like something completely different than Wings of St. Nazaire to me. BTW, would it be possible to see a GNU/Linux or browser version of this game?
Defiance: PC for sure, PS4/ XB1 very likely. Kevin: GNU/Linux/WebGL? No, I'm afraid not. The last game was released on Linux and didn't sell enough copies to justify the port. :/
FekLeyrTarg: Thanks!
ChrisReid: Almost like it's a sorta visual callback! :D
wcnut: Thanks! This is something new, and much more modern than WOSN was.
Wow, that's gorgeous, really nails that unique pseudo-realistic style Privateer did back in the day.
You don't have to say if it's a secret still, but is there multiplayer? Been looking for a good new group multiplayer xbox game.
Thanks, Dyret!
And Chris - We're not going the multiplayer route. This is single player only - we're a team of just 5 people...multiplayer...or at least a good, worthy, fun, full-of-content multiplayer experience is a bite far too large to take. :D Sorry!
Looks fantastic.

+1 to no multiplayer, call me old fashioned but humans can really ruin a good gameplay experience and immersion factor for me.

Howard, please don't take this the wrong way, but I hope this won't be a WC Pioneer style tease. I mean no offence by this of course, it's just that (as with Pioneer) those pictures look great, I'm really looking forward to this one (again, as I was with Pioneer) ;)
Looks fantastic.

+1 to no multiplayer, call me old fashioned but humans can really ruin a good gameplay experience and immersion factor for me.

Howard, please don't take this the wrong way, but I hope this won't be a WC Pioneer style tease. I mean no offence by this of course, it's just that (as with Pioneer) those pictures look great, I'm really looking forward to this one (again, as I was with Pioneer) ;)

I hope as some eastereggs he add his old Pioneer and WC models into the game. Like he do as a April-Joke *still GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* ;)
Pedro: Thanks! And yessir - Ogre3d 1.9 *HEAVILY* modified. Torn asunder, in fact. :P
Mekt: Thanks! that's definitely something we're doing to try and set ourselves apart from other space games - more vibrant colors. It's less realistic...buuuuut more fun?
-danr- Thanks. It's not a vaporware tease. I'm working with an utterly driven team, and we've been making immense progress. I'm getting paid for this. It's a real, solid job. I am sorry that Pioneer never materialized - I really am. This is an entirely different situation, though - as it's not just a side project of mine.
Deathsnake: Heh. That april fools joke is entirely playable. I'll say no more. :)
Howard you have nothing to apologise for! Please take our enthusiasm for your projects as praise, and although Pioneer wasn't meant to be, your latest teasers look absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure I speak for most of us here that we can't wait to see the end product.