Ray Charles dead at 73.

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That's too bad, I like a lot of his songs...Hit the road, Jack. :) I won't say he was a good man but he was a performer that gave a lot of joy to a lot of people.
Someone beat me here, I see.

I just had the dubious honor of alerting the HLP boards to this. :(

"When the battle stopped and the smoke cleaed,
There was thunder from the throne,
And seven spanish angels took another angel home."
- Ray Charles and Willie Nelson, "Seven Spanish Angels"
I was hoping against hope that it would be Rob Rhiener
or maybe Rosie O'donell or someone super opionionated and stupid
Ricky Martin in the whole scheme of LIfe was pretty annoying but Harmless
if ricky martin does die, we wont hear anything but his stupid songs for weeks while we mourn/rejoice his death. but on the other hand we wont have ricky martin anymore. meh, I'll just stop listening to the radio and watching tv for a while I guess lol.
I remember a great car commercial that had Ray Charles speeding around behind the wheel of some sportscar talking about its terrific handling. At the end, the camera pans back to show that he's in the middle of the salt flats with nothing to crash into for miles.
Mr. Charles

"He got the wrong-end, bay-beh!" "Uh-HUH!" Drink Pepsi
Yeah, what a a shitty photoshop of a bad joke! Im insulted!
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