

Hello, I have recently encouraged "RaptorHiss", a new member and friend of mine to join the CIC chat zone... he doesn't know much about the video games and I would just like to ask if you guys could give him a proper welcome and perhaps fill him in on the basics of Wing Commander (video games). Please, he doesn't know much and I always enjoy turning new people on to Wing Commander :)
Originally posted by Manic
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll try not to go anti-plebe on him :)

Look who's talkin' "second lieutenant" :) Just joking, I know that rank has nothing to do with it except for veterancy. But I just hope we can get RaptorHiss to like the games
Hi RaptorHiss, Welcomce to the CZ and to Wing Commander. I suggest reading some novels, and watcing the movie to get yourself caught up withthe Wing Commander Universe, as well as bugging Mav to let him boorrow his games.

One mre thing, don't feed the Manic and the trolls that come here every now and then.
It doesnt really have anything to do with Veterancy either... I've been reading as a non poster for god knows how long now, and played since 1990... but I'm still a 'Cadet'. I must be a slow learner :p

Re what Meson said - forget the novels, just play the games! :)
Originally posted by akashra

Re what Meson said - forget the novels, just play the games! :)

Yore wrong, guy... novels are very interesting...
By the way, I have to welcome RaptorHiss... so Hi RaptorHiss... (this is my daily "bonne action" as we say in France...)
Hi RaptorHiss and welcome to the best WC site:
If you wanto to learn a lot of WC, steal Mav´s games :D
Originally posted by Ghost
Hi RaptorHiss and welcome to the best WC site:
If you wanto to learn a lot of WC, steal Mav´s games :D

Especially, steal WC Kilrathi Saga, if he has it...then sell it to ME!
Hi RaptorHiss! Welcome to the CIC, enjoy your stay. I recommend reading the novels, most of them are an enjoyable read and you learn a lot about the universe. Of course, the games are the first to enjoy... :)

Oh, and Silent Warrior: We told you not to eat cadets :D