
Seventh Part of the Seal
I was just wondering which of the super weapons was considered more powerful? Say they were shot at one another, which would be blasted away, the Sivar weapon, or the PTC?
That's like comparing a maser to a howitzer...?

The sivar weapon fiddles with the gravitational field of the planet, right? If it caused the TCS Concordia to implode, then I guess it would win...unless the Concordia nailed the Sivar with the PTC and did enough damage to take it offline (wasn't the Sivar a gargantuan vessel? would a PTC strike be enough to blow it up?)
I think we just had this discussion recently. The Sivar's weapon can not target ships, but in terms of the sheer amount of damage it causes it is significantly more powerful. The Concordia's weapon can destroy "any ship", but does less damage than the planet-destroying gun.

Re: Sivar's size. It's hard to say... it's described as being large in the game, but the most 'official' Claw Marks specifications (from Super Wing Commander) actually say it's tiny - 103 meters.

The CGW insert done at the time says 550 meters - which is large but not *huge*...

... and then the movie features 825 meter Sivar dreadnaughts that seem to be a ship with a different role.