Prophecy: Secret OPS


Can or cannot one still download the Secret Ops missions? I was given WCP as part of a game package that included Blade Runner & Dune 2000 and would like the additional missions if they are available without having to go out and buy Gold. Thanks
Primo, it's Wing Commander Secret Ops. Wing Commander Prophecy has absolutely nothing to do with, other than the fact that it's its predecessor. WCSO is a standalone game.

WCSO was available for free from the Origin website until the end of October 1998. You're almost a year and a half late. Prophecy Gold comes with Prophecy and Secret Ops.
marcml just a personal opinion here but you really are not missing much in WCSO. It was one of the worst Origin games I was ever foolish enough to play. Great graphics and gameplay aside, plot was practically non-existant. Continual bash and kill in my viewpoint in just plain boring without decent plot scences.
Did you read the online fiction on the Origin website every week? Or did you just download the extra missions?
Yeah, it's really a shame so many people didn't do the full Secret Ops thing. The flash movies for Secret Ops were some of my all-time favorite WC things.
there are 2 right?

(i just want to make sure i've seen them all)

"Just close your eyes and pretend it's Wing Commander"
There are two.. but there were different versions. Origin fixed little things like calling Orsini System Orsini Sector and so on.
By the way Kris did the full Secret Ops thingy still was boring. As I said plot scences whether its movie or 3D makes the game more interesting and it just didnt have it. Truth to tell game plots are never as good as books, which is understandable, if I have to read a plot I would just as soon read a book. I did read them however, still boring.
I did the whole secret ops deal, and I wasn't a huge fan of the game, but I actually thought it was better than prophecy. So maybe there is hope for this series

PS. I thought I would add another comment. I don't know about everyone else, but I think some of the speech is a little dippy. I know the game is supposed to be ranged for all age groups, but it seems like they act a little childish.

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I downloaded the whole thing, but I bought Prophecy Gold anyway. I think the missions in SO were better than Prophecy, but the story was very thin. I hope that after Origin releases POL they will release something like SO again just so we have something to do before the next full SP game.
Just make the fiction better, and please make a hard last mission.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
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They're keeping the registration up because people can still download the main package which includes the first episode. The main package is still available for download as a demo for Prophecy Gold, but downloading ANY OTHER EPISODES FROM THE NET IS ILEGAL AS THOSE EPISODES WERE NEVER SUPOSED TO BE AVAILABLE AT ANY OTHER SITES EXCEPT ORIGINS So if you find the SO episodes on the net don't download them or tell any other people where they can be found, or you shall feel the wrath of the Earhtworm! You can also e-mail the owner of the site and ask him/her nicely to take the episodes down.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Yes, I suppose you could e-mail them and ask them to take the files off... If you want to waste your valuable time. I'm fairly sure that people who have such files available for D/L are aware of the fact that it's illegal, and really don't care. So forget them. Just don't do it yourself
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Just buy prophecy gold then it's on a cd and you don't have it directly on your hard drive. Besides who wants to dwonload files that large?
Quarto actualy I heard that it worked once. Even if only once it's still worth a try.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Like I said, it's your time...

Death's Head: Umm... Well, all things considered... A hell of a lot of people did download these files. Why, I still recall that October morning when I found that SO had finally managed to download overnight... Thanks to NetVampire... And you know, at the time, I had a connection that almost never exceeded 1 kb/s.
I got my SO+episodes from Belguim's biggest gaming magazine. So, were they doing something illegal too?

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Was it worth it? I'd sooner use my puter for more productive purposes rather than let it download for hours at a time for several episodes. If you got enough use out of the game good for you. Myself, I paid $20 for the Gold edition so istead of paying 40 or 50 for prophecy and downloading the episodes for hours, I lost about two hours worth of work after taxes. Not to bad imo.
I think I remember something like that happened in the US too. Some gaming mag put the WHOLE game on thier CD and Origin got all bent out of shape.

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV