Prophecy map


Vice Admiral
I got to wondering if anyone has taken the map from prophecy and checked to see how accurate it is to real star charts.
So has anyone checked it out?
It would probably have no realtion to our starcharts, because it is drawn from a different point of view and it is 600 years in the future (thou I don't know if this is time enough for the stars to visibly change position).

Also, it would probably be too much work for the guys who made it at origin =)
It's a jump line map. Even from an in-game point of view, it's not supposed to match up to real star charts.
Sorry this is a bit off subject but it's related to the Prophecy map. A while back I made this absolutely stupid MS Works database file that had a list of all the systems from the Prophecy map organized with other info. It was simple, but allowed a search and print out of, for example, all the systems in one sector, or all the Kilrathi systems, etc. Just your typical database file. Anyway, I made it originally for "research purposes," and decided to offer it to several websites as sort of an augmentation to the Prophecy map that would allow people to search for different systems by quad, sector, etc. I asked about five websites if they wanted it to add to their files and they were flat out rude with comments like "Who would want that?" Or "That's useless!" I was so disappointed that I decided never to make such a stupid decision again as to offer my worthless junk to know-it-all hotshots. Worst part is I still have that piece of junk. Sorry, just had to vent that. Not directed at CIC, just those specific "individual sites" out there that thought it was a "absolute waste of time." Dumb for wasting my time and untalented efforts, I know. But why'd they have to be so rude? Oh well.
Shame on them! Nice effort on your part nun-the-less Burdette. Creative thinking like that can be very inspiring. Who know what could be done with it or what ideas it would give others. Don’t stop because of what others especially if you enjoy doing creative things.
Thanks for the encouragement. I don't really know what can be done with it but it sure took a long time to do, and though I didn't intend for it to be a "public document," being insulted when I offered my work was rather unpleasant. I didn't ask for anything in return. Thought it might be useful, maybe. Guess they thought not. If they didn't want it they could have at least been a little nicer, right?
Anyone here wind up winning that EBay auction with the poster of the Prophecy map? Man I wanted that thing :)
There are five WC websites that aren't the CIC:)?

Seriously, I'm sure we'd be happy to host a database file - probably take a bit of time to get it into our queue, but I don't see why we'd ever turn down someones hard work like that.

Anyone here wind up winning that EBay auction with the poster of the Prophecy map? Man I wanted that thing

I have some... but I'm very, very bad at mailing things. If you live anywhere near me you're welcome to come pick one up.