Progress Update

top notch work.
I like the little hornets coming in to land, nice touch :) gives a real feel for the size of the bengal

You've not included any turrets to the underside, wouldn't that leave a large blindspot in the AA defences?
EDIT: just read your post about doing the underside next :)
absolutely beautiful
can't wait to get home from work so that I can save them

might have to make one into my new desktop wallpaper
Yeah, I think removing some of the windows is a good idea. I think I'm going to nix around 2/5s of them. Good suggestion, Sylvester.

A further suggestion would be to up the windows on the bridge/superstructure and nix them elsewhere, or at least down to a very sparse WW1 porthole scheme (one or two decks, only one window, lots of space between each). I know the point is to give the ship a more interesting surface. An alternative to arrays of windows could be to model escape pods, sensors/widgets, etc.
Any form of update is better than silence :D

I wholeheartedly agree. It's nice to be hearing from you guys instead of being left in the dark for week after week.

That Bengal has a LOT of dorsal turrets!

As for uses for the Bengal carrier, I would think that it would be nice to include it in a story mission--perhaps one involving a joint Confed-Landreich strike force? I wouldn't expect that we'd see carriers in non-story missions any more than we do in Privateer, after all.
Dyret: I see what you mean. Still that whole area just felt empty without windows. I'll try and back off a bit and develop some additional nurnies that I can replace the windows with.
Iceman16: Thanks! I'm using Max 9.
Oggy: Thanks! I know it's hard to visualize 690M. It certainly was for me because I just had no idea how big this thing is till I stuck the little human-size characters in there and zipped the camera down.
privfan,Specter, Conrad: Thanks!
t.c.cgi: Good suggestion. Keep in mind, that my windows might look a bit much for a warship - but look at the Victory from WC3 - it looked a good deal like an apartment block.
Ijuin: I know we'll both be making a more concerted effort to share progress.
Haliwali: You'll need a contained black hole, hooked up to the latest quantum Intel processor, and 45G of RAM. It's scheduled for release in 2040.
Yeah, we don't know. Not anytime soon.
Okay - So I've replaced the main turrets. I still have the Anti-planet-shipping turrets to do. Still working on the underside. I also did remove the windows - or at least some of them. Lemme know what you think!


  • Bengal65.jpg
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  • Bengal66.jpg
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  • Bengal67.jpg
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  • Bengal68.jpg
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Dyret: I see what you mean. Still that whole area just felt empty without windows. I'll try and back off a bit and develop some additional nurnies that I can replace the windows with.
Iceman16: Thanks! I'm using Max 9.
Oggy: Thanks! I know it's hard to visualize 690M. It certainly was for me because I just had no idea how big this thing is till I stuck the little human-size characters in there and zipped the camera down.
privfan,Specter, Conrad: Thanks!
t.c.cgi: Good suggestion. Keep in mind, that my windows might look a bit much for a warship - but look at the Victory from WC3 - it looked a good deal like an apartment block.
Ijuin: I know we'll both be making a more concerted effort to share progress.
Haliwali: You'll need a contained black hole, hooked up to the latest quantum Intel processor, and 45G of RAM. It's scheduled for release in 2040.
Yeah, we don't know. Not anytime soon.
Okay - So I've replaced the main turrets. I still have the Anti-planet-shipping turrets to do. Still working on the underside. I also did remove the windows - or at least some of them. Lemme know what you think!

Man o man, those look awesome!!
Wow, I love the head-on shot with the two hornets took me forever (it's a BIG picture at highres ;)) to find the hornet that cast the shadow on the port side superstructure flanking the landing deck.
Hey Howard,

Which modeling tool do you use?

Also, how is your data structured - as in, is this an assembly view with "instanced" components or do you really work on the surfaces at this level when developing the model? I loved having the chance to be a sheetmetal designer in one of my earlier career assignments, the tools for 3D design are so damned COOL. I absolutely adore the chance to create things...this is an example for me of what's so overwhelmingly inspiring.

Great job...absolutely fantastic!!!!
Haliwali: Ah, I see! Yep, totally stand-alone.
floundericiousMI: Where's Waldo, but with Hornets. I like. I'm using 3dsMax9 for this, and everything is a poly-mesh. If it's any consideration, it's a water-tight polymesh...not something I ordinarily do. The more knowledgeable among you may know that that's one of the requirements for rapid-prototyping. Not saying anything more. :D
That Bengal is the yummiest thing I've ever seen.

If anything, I'd lose the rear-most windows near the top of the "wings", which IMHO are a bit too close to the engines.
"No words...should have sent...a poet..."

That Bengal is beyond incredible.

Howard, any word on that tutorial you'd mentioned a little ways back? I know I for one would kill for a chance to learn to texture as well as you do.
t.c.cgi: Nope, but it's always been something I've wanted to try.
Eder: Wow, thanks! I think I'll do so - there's really no need for them. I can replace them with some of the new nurnies.
SabreAce:Thanks, I'm still working on the tutorial - the problem is that it's kinda boring. It's kind of hard for me to focus on it after a full day It's not fun to come home to Anyhow, I will finish it up - it's just going to take some time.
Anyhow, here's something I was playing with last night - Kilrathi taunts.
I think it turned out okay - any suggestions?
Also, here are some top/bottom uncompressed orthos of the Bengal:
I think it's looking pretty good.
Does anyone want to take a crack at naming and numbering this thing? Is there any specific carrier that's known to have been operating near or around the Landriech?
My god that beautiful beast makes me feel all warmy and fuzzy . I'm so very enamored with the WC1&2 art styles, don't much care for anything beyond that.
OOOOOOooooh RP!!!

What kind are you thinking?

Stereo Lithography? Fused Deposition Modeling? 3D printing??? Laminate Object Modeling?

I think either an SLA or FDM of this would be freakin fantastic...but a LOM model painted in enamel would be cool as well! :)