Problem Running Kilrathi Saga


Hi. I've recently gotten my hands on a copy of Wing Commander: Kilrathi Saga, and here are my problems:

Wing Commander I runs with no music, and it crashes when the sim or missions start. I've followed all th installation intructions.

Wing Commander II doesn't start at all.

Keep in mind that these are the Win95/98 versions of these games, designed specifically to work within those OSs. I'm using WinME, so that could be a problem right there...

Any help would be appreciated.
Just like with Prophecy, XP will have to wait until tomorrow evening, when I head back to college. I'll post saying what happens at that point.
I have XP Pro and I have run The Kilrathi Saga and WC IV CD set with no problems. (I did need to get the win95 patch for WC IV of course)
Originally posted by Busu
I have XP Pro and I have run The Kilrathi Saga and WC IV CD set with no problems. (I did need to get the win95 patch for WC IV of course)
Huh?... Wasn't WC4 DVD Win 95 capable already?...:confused:

And Shoal? You prolly hit the nail on the head: Win ME is likely your culprit...
Well, on my XP Pro machine, WC I and II run well except for the fact that there is no music in either one. As you can imagine, this takes some of the drama out of the games. :(

I can see the music files in the game data directories... but, alas, no music.