it's been a coupla years since i was last here and its been that long since a bare-bones boot disk for privateer called privboot was first created.
well after a long time of inactivity, i noticed an old homebrew game for dreamcast made by a coupla french guys that discribed itself as a privateer-like game and about that time i also noticed an old project that ported dosbox 0.60 to dc.
i've tried getting dosbox 0.60 to run privateer, but there was no cpu paging support which would be required to use jemm.
the only option left; build dosbox 0.65, which reports privateer as supported, for dreamcast and find a configuration that will allow you to burn your own privboot disc for dreamcast. wish me luck folks.
for more info and any help you might be able to offer or
for the original privboot, you'll need your own copy of privateer to get it running. and dont bother asking where to get one, you know the answer is gonna be e-bay.
well after a long time of inactivity, i noticed an old homebrew game for dreamcast made by a coupla french guys that discribed itself as a privateer-like game and about that time i also noticed an old project that ported dosbox 0.60 to dc.
i've tried getting dosbox 0.60 to run privateer, but there was no cpu paging support which would be required to use jemm.
the only option left; build dosbox 0.65, which reports privateer as supported, for dreamcast and find a configuration that will allow you to burn your own privboot disc for dreamcast. wish me luck folks.
for more info and any help you might be able to offer or
for the original privboot, you'll need your own copy of privateer to get it running. and dont bother asking where to get one, you know the answer is gonna be e-bay.