Privateer 3 Script


Vice Admiral
Since Loaf is too modest to mention it again (after he mentioned it in this thread, and this thread), and most of us seem to be too thick into last-quarter revenue generation, project closures, term papers or salivating over Halo2, I take the audacious step to mention it again:

Hey, Loaf has gotten a copy of the most sought-after document in the last 5 years.

And, sshh.. - it reveals some secrets that always had the world wondering about "why did they do that", that spawned a multitude of "what if" threads, and that could now turn our understanding of the WC universe around completely.

And since it will take some time to hi-res scan it so that even the fingerprints of god will be visible (or whatever the intention), we now have plenty of time to pour over his cryptic words and have a good debate around it.

Well, won't it be a merry Xmas. :D
"Shut up he explained." - Ring Lardner (1885 - 1933)
I was the first person to know he was getting the Privateer 3 script, I think.

I feel so honored.

He also got the rare crappy Crusader sequel scripts, what was it, LOAF? No Quarter?
No, he's scanning it into ultra-high res digital format to laugh at people as they beg.
(sarcasm there. Yeah, likely he will.)
ZFGokuSSJ1 said:
He also got the rare crappy Crusader sequel scripts, what was it, LOAF? No Quarter?
Heh, I'd be almost more interested in seeing that than in the P3 script (almost :p).
These documents were all kindly given to me by Mark Vittek, who was lead designer on the Crusader games and Privateer 3. He started his career working on WC2's Special Operations addons. (His name shows up in-universe in Ultima, Crusader and (almost) in Wing Commander -- the infamous Privateer 3 preview article had a screenshot of the 'TCS Vittek').

Anyway, of course, I'll scan everything (Crusader-related documents included) -- progress is sort of slow because I'm in school... but I certainly hope to have it done before I leave here in early December.

The Crusader projects are, for the most parts, all just different names for the same idea -- what eventually was called (and died as) Crusader 2: No Mercy. There's a couple of interesting proposals, like a 'prequel' game where you train to be the Silencer in the first place... but for the most part all the Crusader ideas share the same 'name bank' (No Survivors/No Mercy/No Quarter/No Escape).
those two dont sound too bad, its just that it get repetitive after a while, no this no that, it gets boring.
Ok, this is probably a stupid, unrealistic suggestion, but somebody has to ask it (trust ol' Sphynx to state the obvious...)

What are the odds of this community actually taking the script from Privateer 3 and making the game? I think there are some screenshots of what some of the ships are supposed to look like. We'll know the story line and the characters. I'm not suggesting that we make a live actor film to go along with it, and I'm not suggesting this would be easy, but would it be possible?

For example, the Wing Commander Universe guys already have an engine that can pull of a reasonable facimile of the Original Privateer. That means they already have the basics for free form trade, escort, etc... Is it possible to take that or another engine and actually make Privateer 3 (seeing as how it will probably never exist otherwise).

Then, we have people who know how to make new player com videos. We have voice actors in this community, and heaven knows we have the modeling talent here (myself not included... I'm stuck in voice acting and bug testing limbo). Wouldn't most of you want to play Privateer 3, rather than just read the script?

Now, this is probably a pipe dream, and I realize that. But, is there even the slightest possibility of this happening? I know I'm rather generous with other people's resources and talents, saying you all would be willing to do this, but I'd do what I can to add my two bits (the Standoff guys can tell you that I'd really help witht the voice acting).

Anyway, open this up for discussion, or squash the idea in its very infancy. I just thought I would bring it up.

Overly optimistic as always,


Is it possible? Yes. Will it happen? Probably not. To make a truly decent rendition of this privateer 3 script it would take someone with the passion for detail and authenticity like Loaf and the programming/modelling/texturing/designing/etc of the entire community combined. Not impossible but not likely to happen anytime soon.
Oh gosh, that was funny...
Okay, I get the message.

"WC Community to Sphynx... keep dreaming, or get real, or something like that."

By the way, Edfilho, you have a remarkable talent for helping me see how silly some of my suggestions are. I mean, your post was concise and to the point, and it got the message across quite well. I think that you have that remarkable honesty that I haven't seen outside of Brasil. Thanks for bringing me back to the real world (I can't tell you how many times I was reminded that I was a baixinho loirinho back in Minas... it sure keeps you grounded). I guess I needed that.

So roger that, WC Community. I knew I was treading on the edge of reality with that one (and probably the far edge, at that).

Can you blame a guy for dreaming? Well, I guess the answer is "yes," so I won't ask that question! ;)

Oh well. Chalk that up as just one more quixotic cognition on my part. I'm looking forward to reading the script, anyway. It sounds like it will answer a lot of questions. Thanks for helping me keep in touch with reality here (at least until reality changes... maybe someday, but not now, and most likely never).

In the mean time, I will be very satisfied with whatever projects come out of this community.

I'll try to keep my enthusiasm within the realms of reality for the majority of the time.
You probably noticed that something like what you were wondering about had already been discussed on the WCU board. It's something I'd love to do.. once I can wash my hands of Privateer 1.

It wouldn't be too hard to whip up a game loosely based on the privateer 3 script (I doubt the core free play stuff would be completely different than privateers past). What would be difficult would be applying a ton of polish.. creating comms animations, recording voices etc for which someone would likely need to create dialogue and plot (not sure how fleshed out the script is).

There's no doubt, it would take a ton of work. Entirely doable though if there were people who wanted to do it. There's an engine (that will only get better in the next couple years) and there's art and art creators in the community. The hardest part would be harnessing that energy, channelling it to work towards a common goal.

I certainly wouldn't get any hopes up, but I wouldn't rule out being able to sometime in the future. Weirder things have happened.

Looking forward to reading it!